A Clear Path To Monday

Picture Taken By Tabitha@ichoosebliss

Today I Am Grateful For:
1. Clarity
2. An Abundance Of God's Love and Mercy
3. A New Beginning (which comes with each new day)
4. The Lesson That: Peace Is A Person (The Father)
5. All The Beauty I Get To See

I first want to thank each and everyone of you who answered my plea of helping me uplift my aunt Diana. She called to say that she started receiving cards already and how loved you are all making her feel. She is very grateful that so many are taking the time to pray for her and go a step beyond by sending her their love. To me this means the world! I will never be able to thank you all the way I'd like to, but know that I Sincerely Love You All. (Seriously!)

On Saturday I was reading the blog A Holy Experience and the title of her blog was Peace is a Person. Her words made perfect sense to me and all of a sudden I felt clarity I had never known. In her post she explained how she would go to various places seeking out peace, but what she realized was that peace was not in a place. That peace was in fact The Father! If we have Him inside of us and listen closely we will never ever be far away from peace. Holy Molasses!! That not only made sense to me, but it in fact created a Huge sense of Peace within my soul.

I've read on a few blogs how some choose to put down other blogs who focus on just the positives in life. They think we are living in denial. But the truth may be that they are indeed living in denial. For the majority of my adult life I lived in fear and chaos. I complained, whined and grunted when things didn't go my way. Today I know better. Today I know God and all of His Majesty. I Choose Him and in choosing Him he's filled my life with Peace, Joy, Love and Hope. Yes, bad things still happen in my life. Many bad things have happened in this past year, but I know He's with me and He has full control of each situation. That in itself can get me through anything. I Choose Bliss is not just a title to a blog I write. It is the very essence of how I have chosen to live. Even in my family's darkest moments Peace has found me. The Light shines brightly!

I pray that one day every word written or spoken will be filled with positivity. For now I will be one of His children who shines The Light on all that is right in this world. We can not change what is wrong until we glorify what is right.



  1. Wonderful post Tabitha... I just love the title of your blog and you LIVE it to the fulliest. I don't know why others choose to put down others blogs period. The blog is what you want to say and what you are feeling or want to share. It is not done to please others and not done to be corrected like a child doing something wrong in school. Our blogs are our own and others who feel the need to correct just need to stop reading others..Okay that is my opinion...LOL Have a wonderful day my friend :-))

  2. I'm glad your aunt is feeling loved! That's a wonderful thing.

    I cannot imagine you WHINING -- but I do imagine you SHINING and helping others look for that silver LINING!

  3. Hi Tabitha! I'm so glad the cards are uplifting your Aunt!

    Your post today was extra special. It gave me goosebumps - Peace is a PERSON.

    I needed that today. Thank you!!!

  4. Hi Tabitha.
    Another beautiful and inspiring post!

    **Have you gotten my email/comment about the seeds? I was so excited to recieve them in the mail. You have such a generous spirit...thank you SO MUCH for helping make our garden grow! My little hatchling was so excited too and we will keep you updated with pics.
    Blessings to you & your aunt.

  5. I always get so much out of coming and reading your posts. I for one am glad that you choose to focus on the positive. It is so uplifting to me and I'm sure to all the others who read your blog. I love what you read on the other blog about peace being a person...the Father. What a great lesson. If we have Him inside of us, then peace is always with us. I love that! Thank you for your post and positivity!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  6. I've been reading today about a woman called Peace Pilgrim (Google her). You will LOVE the site!

  7. Tabitha, this was a beautiful post and I so agree with you. There will always be negative contrasts but we have to power to react to them, or handle them, in a positive way for a happier outcome or, we can simply choose to walk away from negative situations. I'd much rather spread positive thoughts than negative thoughts anyday.

    love, light and peace,
    serena xo

  8. Hi Tabitha,
    Until someone truly has Jesus in their life as their Lord & Savior, they will never understand His goodness, and His grace. As Christians, "we get it", but in the worlds eyes, we're fools. We just have to keep praying for those blinders to come off...

  9. It's true, not everyone can be positive ALL the time, can they? But I love your blog and your points of view on things. They bring me clarity.

  10. Keep shining your light, bright one! We all need it :) You do what you do. Others will either appreciate it or not. That's their issue! I am very thankful Diana is getting the emotional support she needs. My prayers are still with her. Hugs sweet one! :)

  11. P.S. an award for you over at my blog!

  12. Isn't it amazing how a blog creates such connections? Just amazing. So glad to hear your aunt is feeling better.

  13. girl, you seep positive, so god is def working thru and in you!!!!

  14. Tabitha,

    Best wishes to your Aunt Diana. I think it's wonderful how you are using your blog to support her. It sounds like your efforts have already uplifted her.


  15. you are absolutely right that always looking at the bad is just as incomplete a picture as always looking at the good. I think what some don't understand is you can look at the bad, recognize it and still choose to find the good and to make positive choices.

    I am so glad you are a positive light in the blogworld.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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