Day 18: Breathing Peacefully

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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who commented on this post! I spoke to that very same person today and we had the most Amazing conversation. I explained how I felt about her previous remark and she was indeed remorseful. We talked about love, life and God and it once again showed me the power of prayer. I prayed that whatever was hurting her would be erased and that it would not come between our love. She is one of my best friends and she's family, so I never want any negativity there. She explained her problems and apologized from her heart and that meant everything to me.

The Highlights Of Today So Far:

*I woke up feeling refreshed
*Hugged and Kissed hubby and princess as they left
*Spent time with my Father (above)
*Held an awesome convo with my best friend (family member)
*Put together a goody box for Davyn (a newly added kid from MACS)
*Listening to the sweetest and most relaxing music EVER :)

I'm Grateful:

1. For God's LOVE
2. For HIS Son
3. For my Hubby and Princess
4. For blessings of all sizes
5. That I can talk to Y'all (my country talking just showed up) LOL
6. For the health of us all
7. That there are LOVING people in this world
8. For the chance to laugh with my baby sister H.

*My Act of Love Today*

I cleaned my daughter's room for her.
What a task! LOL


  1. cleaning your daughter's room. yuck. hate that!

  2. I hate it to, but wanted to do something nice for her today. :)

  3. Hey there Tabitha, I like the lil saying you found, I do try to do all daily. Just as you feel blessed by your family I KNOW they are truly blessed to have you. Have a great day :-)

  4. Well, you haven't lived till you clean up the room where 3 boys one is different, but the middle one could comforatble live in the city dump and never am so happy that you found peace and understanding with your friend...I can't rest when I have a problem with someone untill it is solved.

  5. Cleaning a childs room? Definitely an act of love.

  6. Cleaning her room was really sweet of you, Tabby, and surely sets her a good's easy to do FUN things for others, like buying something pretty or taking them out to eat, but CLEANING for them, that reminds me of Jesus washing the beggars' feet...and Mary M washing and drying His feet with her of the best presents I ever got was a friend who came over and cleaned up all my cabinets and put pretty new paper lining them and put the cans and boxes back in neatly one friend had no money but she sure had a certain someone...*cough* Tabby *cough*

  7. Awesome that you tackled it head on! One of the many things that make you the wonderful person you are! :)

  8. Every time I come here, I'm inspired!

  9. Healing within a relationship--is so beautiful.

  10. Oh sweet friend - I am so glad this worked out and sorry I am just now catching up on my reading. I am glad that you two talked and worked everything out. That way you won't have a heavy heart and continue to spread your good cheer to those around you. And you're right, you DO DESERVE the blessings you have!

  11. Tabitha,
    I am so happy to hear of the healing conversation between you and your loved one. Prayers do work, don't they?
    Blessings to you.
    Your month of love is awesome to read about. You are just an amazing woman!


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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