I Know it When I See it
On Sunday my family and I were heading to Verizon to get my phone repaired. While at a stop sign, I looked up and saw a man with a sign that read, "I am a veteran and I do NOT drink. Please help me eat." I rushed my daughter to get $5 from my purse and we called him to the car. He accepted the money and began to explain he was a veteran and not a drinker. I explained that he owed me no explanations and then I thanked him. He kept waving at us and as we were pulling off we watched him dry his face. I failed to mention that I was crying before he had ever reached our car. The sadness in his face overwhelmed my heart. I cry at the site of any beings hurting often, but this was different. Something about this man struck me in a more powerful way.
As we drove to Verizon we discussed this man. I was angry that no one else would stop to offer him just one dollar or a few kind words and then my daughter said something that made me come completely unhinged. She said, "They are ignoring him and are only thinking of themselves, but what if that's God?" Her question swam in my mind all day and the face of this man has not left my memory yet. Shouldn't we approach one another like that on a daily basis? Shouldn't we speak and react as if the other being could possibly be God? I have many definitions for compassion and I may not be able to describe it clearly, but I know it when I see it. There have been many years where I thought I knew the true concept to love and although we cannot fully comprehend the depth of love...I know it when I see it.
I saw it in that mans face. I saw it in the face of my fifteen-year-old daughter as she tried to console her mama. I saw it in my eyes as I took a glance of myself in the rear-view mirror before getting out of the car. Most importantly I see it in the words of a Lord who laid His life down, so that we may become children of the Most High God. Some people choose to ignore the homeless, the less fortunate. They think, "it's not my problem." But, it is ALL of our problem. He commands us to love one another as He
loves us, so yes...it IS YOUR problem as well as MINE. I don't know how to describe the changes that are taking place within me since that Sunday. But, I do know that it’s surrounded in love. God’s love? I know it when I see it.
As we drove to Verizon we discussed this man. I was angry that no one else would stop to offer him just one dollar or a few kind words and then my daughter said something that made me come completely unhinged. She said, "They are ignoring him and are only thinking of themselves, but what if that's God?" Her question swam in my mind all day and the face of this man has not left my memory yet. Shouldn't we approach one another like that on a daily basis? Shouldn't we speak and react as if the other being could possibly be God? I have many definitions for compassion and I may not be able to describe it clearly, but I know it when I see it. There have been many years where I thought I knew the true concept to love and although we cannot fully comprehend the depth of love...I know it when I see it.
I saw it in that mans face. I saw it in the face of my fifteen-year-old daughter as she tried to console her mama. I saw it in my eyes as I took a glance of myself in the rear-view mirror before getting out of the car. Most importantly I see it in the words of a Lord who laid His life down, so that we may become children of the Most High God. Some people choose to ignore the homeless, the less fortunate. They think, "it's not my problem." But, it is ALL of our problem. He commands us to love one another as He
loves us, so yes...it IS YOUR problem as well as MINE. I don't know how to describe the changes that are taking place within me since that Sunday. But, I do know that it’s surrounded in love. God’s love? I know it when I see it.
Saints :)
“In his holy flirtation with the world, God occasionally drops a handkerchief. These handkerchiefs are called saints.”
Life Lesson #235,698,350
For years I told my grandma "when you die I'm going to come completely undone." I was not the only grandchild who felt this way and was not the only to express it. When I said it she would smile and say "you'll be okay Lu(my nickname)." For years I deeply believed that when my grandma took her last breath I would come undone at the seams. She died in 2008 and I cried every day for the first two months. I was mad and sad and didn't know how to accept it. Then something started to take place deep within my spirit. I began to feel a little stronger. I started seeking God with great gusto. I began to understand why this had to happen. She left on her OWN terms and she did it with great COURAGE. Remembering that uplifted my soul! It made me want to be more like her than ever. I started living each day with the intention that I would make her and God proud of the love and time they have invested into my life. Her death was hard, it was hurtful and it did tear me down. But it also lifted me to a higher level than ever before! Through my Grandma God woke me up to what He needed me to do for him.
For years I've said I'd come undone, but what I've learned is when we lose a loved one for many it begins a metamorphosis. Yes we do come unglued, but then God steps in to glue us back together and make us better than we were before. Fear has a way of blocking God from our vision, but God has a way of shinning through regardless. When he wants our attention He WILL get it! I trust God more now than ever and I now know that whatever fear I have He will see me through. I may very well fall apart at the seams, but he will be there to pick me up, dust me off and carry me through. And you know what? He's ready to do the very same for you. All you have to do is whisper his name. Even if that whisper is just in your heart or head - He will answer.
For years I've said I'd come undone, but what I've learned is when we lose a loved one for many it begins a metamorphosis. Yes we do come unglued, but then God steps in to glue us back together and make us better than we were before. Fear has a way of blocking God from our vision, but God has a way of shinning through regardless. When he wants our attention He WILL get it! I trust God more now than ever and I now know that whatever fear I have He will see me through. I may very well fall apart at the seams, but he will be there to pick me up, dust me off and carry me through. And you know what? He's ready to do the very same for you. All you have to do is whisper his name. Even if that whisper is just in your heart or head - He will answer.
It Feels Good!
Hi There! I know I know! It's been a few days since I last posted anything, but time is literally flying by and my schedule has been crazy. I've committed to doing more inspirational speakings, running the family mission, being a mom and wife, exercising my butt off and finding time to breathe. Whew, I'm out of breath just typing all of that!
I honestly don't know my numbers for my weight, because I chose not to weigh in until December 1st. I love that date, so it will be extra fabulous to weigh in on one of my favorite days of the year. (=
On Saturday we were getting dressed to go to the grocery store and by accident I grabbed one of Princess Charlie's extra-large shirts. I put it on and it fit me beautifully!! Once I found out it was her shirt instead of mine I danced my butt off. (=
So many changes are going on with me both externally and internally. I'm trying to find the time to blog about it, because I feel it could be of assistance to others who are going through the same challenges as myself. I hope to have something up very soon.
I honestly don't know my numbers for my weight, because I chose not to weigh in until December 1st. I love that date, so it will be extra fabulous to weigh in on one of my favorite days of the year. (=
On Saturday we were getting dressed to go to the grocery store and by accident I grabbed one of Princess Charlie's extra-large shirts. I put it on and it fit me beautifully!! Once I found out it was her shirt instead of mine I danced my butt off. (=
So many changes are going on with me both externally and internally. I'm trying to find the time to blog about it, because I feel it could be of assistance to others who are going through the same challenges as myself. I hope to have something up very soon.
I'm Noticing - Weightloss Update
It's funny how our bodies change as we change. I've been noticing many things lately and a lot of it is truly funny to me. (=
On the weight loss front I am still slimming down and I'm very happy about that. I've started walking in place and that has boosted my weight loss for me. Doing this makes me feel energized! Naturally I have to do it will sitting down, but with God's help it is doing some great things. (=
I'm Noticing:
1. Bulges in certain spots are gone
2. I can get up from the sofa on my own!
3. I haven't had an asthma attack since August!
4. I am able to fit in my prosthesis (=
On the weight loss front I am still slimming down and I'm very happy about that. I've started walking in place and that has boosted my weight loss for me. Doing this makes me feel energized! Naturally I have to do it will sitting down, but with God's help it is doing some great things. (=
I'm Noticing:
1. Bulges in certain spots are gone
2. I can get up from the sofa on my own!
3. I haven't had an asthma attack since August!
4. I am able to fit in my prosthesis (=
I Appreciate Pt 2
I Appreciate:
1. The lovely weekend I had with my hubby and daughter
2. Learning something valuable from watching "For Colored Girls"
3. My new devotional book by Max Lucado
4. The love that grows for myself daily
5. God's help in my weight loss journey
6. Delicious brownies made by Princess Charlie
7. Feeling truly loved and at peace
1. The lovely weekend I had with my hubby and daughter
2. Learning something valuable from watching "For Colored Girls"
3. My new devotional book by Max Lucado
4. The love that grows for myself daily
5. God's help in my weight loss journey
6. Delicious brownies made by Princess Charlie
7. Feeling truly loved and at peace
Advice To Princes Charlie
There are many days when I sit and say to myself "I wish someone would have told me this." In nine months I'll be 40 years old and for me it is exciting. I love the thought of aging. I love the thought of a much wiser me. I love the thought of a day I'll be called "grandma." I know many look at aging as a curse. I'm grateful that is not an issue for me, because I think if I worried about what's going to happen anyway I'd be very miserable.
I strongly believe in sharing things that I learn and I especially do this with my daughter (Princess Charlie). I know she will make choices that will in the end be a huge mistake, but I also believe that with the right guidance those mistakes may be fewer. I strongly believe if someone (anyone) would have given me a few life tips things would have been much easier for me. My grandma gave me the best advice ever. She said "If you're going to give your troubles to God do it and then walk away fro them." I didn't listen to her until much later, but now I know that advice was the greatest she could have ever given me. So, I have some advice for my daughter and to my younger self.
Rules to Live By:
1. Love yourself completely. In order for you to fully love others you must first fully love yourself.
2. Believe in God with all of your heart, mind, body and soul. He will NEVER steer you wrong.
3. Just Breathe. No matter what's going on ALWAYS breathe
4. Simplify life as much as possible and always express gratitude
5. Laugh as many time per day as you humanly can
6. Do NOT sweat the small stuff...Literally!!
7. Live and love every minute of your life..It is indeed short and you don't want to miss out on the joy
8. Choose to be joyful EVERYDAY..Even through the chaos.
9. Do what you can and God will do what you can NOT do (which, is a ton!)
10. Grow old graciously..It is a gift and not a curse
Love Always, Mommy
I strongly believe in sharing things that I learn and I especially do this with my daughter (Princess Charlie). I know she will make choices that will in the end be a huge mistake, but I also believe that with the right guidance those mistakes may be fewer. I strongly believe if someone (anyone) would have given me a few life tips things would have been much easier for me. My grandma gave me the best advice ever. She said "If you're going to give your troubles to God do it and then walk away fro them." I didn't listen to her until much later, but now I know that advice was the greatest she could have ever given me. So, I have some advice for my daughter and to my younger self.
Rules to Live By:
1. Love yourself completely. In order for you to fully love others you must first fully love yourself.
2. Believe in God with all of your heart, mind, body and soul. He will NEVER steer you wrong.
3. Just Breathe. No matter what's going on ALWAYS breathe
4. Simplify life as much as possible and always express gratitude
5. Laugh as many time per day as you humanly can
6. Do NOT sweat the small stuff...Literally!!
7. Live and love every minute of your life..It is indeed short and you don't want to miss out on the joy
8. Choose to be joyful EVERYDAY..Even through the chaos.
9. Do what you can and God will do what you can NOT do (which, is a ton!)
10. Grow old graciously..It is a gift and not a curse
Love Always, Mommy
I Appreciate...
*God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit
*Angels watching over me daily
*The sound of music in my daily life
*Our comfortable home
*Warm Blankets on cold nights
*Breakfast, lunch and dinner
*Lots of Hugs
*Being told "I Love You"
*The Bible
*Refreshing water
*My Blogging Community
*Blessings & Spiritual Gifts
*Life and the joy I now have in my heart
*My body and organs
*Being able to see, hear and speak
*Good movies and popcorn (family night)
*Going home to be with family
*The sun and The moon
*Nature and all it's true splendor
*Angels watching over me daily
*The sound of music in my daily life
*Our comfortable home
*Warm Blankets on cold nights
*Breakfast, lunch and dinner
*Lots of Hugs
*Being told "I Love You"
*The Bible
*Refreshing water
*My Blogging Community
*Blessings & Spiritual Gifts
*Life and the joy I now have in my heart
*My body and organs
*Being able to see, hear and speak
*Good movies and popcorn (family night)
*Going home to be with family
*The sun and The moon
*Nature and all it's true splendor
Gratitude & Promises
Today I Am Grateful For:
*A new day of life
*Love of God and Jesus
*Guidance of The Holy Spirit
*Complete Love of Self and JOY in my heart
I Promise:
*To be extra kind and loving to myself
*To trust God and follow His lead
*To nurture my heart, mind, body and soul
*To NEVER allow another being to mistreat or disrespect me
*A new day of life
*Love of God and Jesus
*Guidance of The Holy Spirit
*Complete Love of Self and JOY in my heart
I Promise:
*To be extra kind and loving to myself
*To trust God and follow His lead
*To nurture my heart, mind, body and soul
*To NEVER allow another being to mistreat or disrespect me
Day 14 - Saying Goodbye
Not to my blogging community!
Yesterday I visited my friend Caroline's blog Constantly Evolving and she was inviting her readers to say goodbye to those who cause us pain or make us feel shitty. Well, I have a HUGE confession. There is indeed someone in my life that has caused me a great deal of hurt. They allowed others to hurt me without standing up for me. This person that I must rid my life of is...Me
How can I get rid of myself? It's actually not that hard to do. Currently there are two versions of myself. The old me who allowed others to go too damn far. The me that took too much crap. The me who cried herself to sleep after each fall out. The me who thought being overweight was okay as long as I was alive. What The Hell!!
Then there's the new me. The me who kicks butt and takes names later. The me who now KNOWS her worth. The me who chooses joy instead of waiting for others to give it to me. The me who is nurturing both mind and body daily through exercise, meditation, pampering and prayer. The me who will never allow another being to define who SHE is.
I love them both for different reasons, but it's time to kick the old me OUT. She's held on for far too long. She has made life on earth hard, dark and cold. Although I know she loves me she didn't love me ENOUGH. This newer version of me? She has proven her love and does so everyday. She knows bull-crap from a mile away and she's not afraid to stand up for me and say so. She believes in living a life of joy and peace right here on earth. SHE has MY best interest at heart and honestly I am deeply DEEPLY in love with her. I want her here! I never want to let her go! But the old me? We will now close the door and never look back. As of today she is history and I wish her well.
Yesterday I visited my friend Caroline's blog Constantly Evolving and she was inviting her readers to say goodbye to those who cause us pain or make us feel shitty. Well, I have a HUGE confession. There is indeed someone in my life that has caused me a great deal of hurt. They allowed others to hurt me without standing up for me. This person that I must rid my life of is...Me
How can I get rid of myself? It's actually not that hard to do. Currently there are two versions of myself. The old me who allowed others to go too damn far. The me that took too much crap. The me who cried herself to sleep after each fall out. The me who thought being overweight was okay as long as I was alive. What The Hell!!
Then there's the new me. The me who kicks butt and takes names later. The me who now KNOWS her worth. The me who chooses joy instead of waiting for others to give it to me. The me who is nurturing both mind and body daily through exercise, meditation, pampering and prayer. The me who will never allow another being to define who SHE is.
I love them both for different reasons, but it's time to kick the old me OUT. She's held on for far too long. She has made life on earth hard, dark and cold. Although I know she loves me she didn't love me ENOUGH. This newer version of me? She has proven her love and does so everyday. She knows bull-crap from a mile away and she's not afraid to stand up for me and say so. She believes in living a life of joy and peace right here on earth. SHE has MY best interest at heart and honestly I am deeply DEEPLY in love with her. I want her here! I never want to let her go! But the old me? We will now close the door and never look back. As of today she is history and I wish her well.
Days 12 & 13
Yesterday I decided that I would park my butt on the sofa all weekend and do nothing. That was a great idea and I'm grateful to have the luxury to do it, but it just wasn't going to happen. I do things! I cook, exercise, put goody bags together and I love writing. Taking an entire weekend and doing none of that would have driven me insane. LOL
However, I'm very grateful that I could if I wanted to. I woke up today (Saturday) and decided I wanted to exercise. Hubby joined me and I was so proud of him! He's having a harder struggle with losing weight, so I'm trying to lovingly nudge him into exercising. I know that would be a great move for him. I love him and I so want him to be healthy and happy.
Today I Am Grateful:
*For the most comfy blanket ever! I slept like a baby last night.
*That hubby and I walked in place together for 36 minutes!!
*That I have the ability to hear..I truly would be lost without music.
*For a peaceful heart (=
However, I'm very grateful that I could if I wanted to. I woke up today (Saturday) and decided I wanted to exercise. Hubby joined me and I was so proud of him! He's having a harder struggle with losing weight, so I'm trying to lovingly nudge him into exercising. I know that would be a great move for him. I love him and I so want him to be healthy and happy.
Today I Am Grateful:
*For the most comfy blanket ever! I slept like a baby last night.
*That hubby and I walked in place together for 36 minutes!!
*That I have the ability to hear..I truly would be lost without music.
*For a peaceful heart (=
Day 11
Today I Am Grateful:
*For a seriously needed good nights rest. I feel so refreshed and alive and that makes me so joyful.
*There has been no asthma in my life since my doctor placed me on Symbicort three months ago. I can not fully describe the peace that brings to my heart.
*For shows like "Soap" and "Benson." Do you remember those shows? They were a household favorite when I was growing up and I can remember the laughter so vividly. Yesterday my daughter and I watched a few episodes of Soap online and we cracked up so much. Hearing her laughter filled me up with sweet joy.
*For a seriously needed good nights rest. I feel so refreshed and alive and that makes me so joyful.
*There has been no asthma in my life since my doctor placed me on Symbicort three months ago. I can not fully describe the peace that brings to my heart.
*For shows like "Soap" and "Benson." Do you remember those shows? They were a household favorite when I was growing up and I can remember the laughter so vividly. Yesterday my daughter and I watched a few episodes of Soap online and we cracked up so much. Hearing her laughter filled me up with sweet joy.
Day 10 - Dear November
Dear November,
When my cousin Bradley passed away I hated you with a deep and dark passion. I tried my very best to get each day to fly by when you arrived. You would flaunt your beautiful weather and I would think of ways to eliminate you forever. I seriously hated you.
Today, I can honestly say the hate is gone. I found myself ushering you in with great joy. The weather has been amazing and I consider you a friend again. I am grateful for you November and I just wanted to say...I Love You.
When my cousin Bradley passed away I hated you with a deep and dark passion. I tried my very best to get each day to fly by when you arrived. You would flaunt your beautiful weather and I would think of ways to eliminate you forever. I seriously hated you.
Today, I can honestly say the hate is gone. I found myself ushering you in with great joy. The weather has been amazing and I consider you a friend again. I am grateful for you November and I just wanted to say...I Love You.
Days 6-8
Day 6:
I'm truly grateful for the laughter that my beautiful daughter brings to my life. She's so charismatic and animated and I love every bit of it.
Day 7:
I'm so very grateful for the sweet conversations I have with my daughter. Since fully giving my life to God she has decided to do the same (with no pushing from me). She lights up when she talks about God and that just makes my heart beat with great joy!
Day 8:
We started putting these little bags together 3 years ago and it has given my life such joy and purpose. I do not get paid to do this, yet I can't see my life without it. It is indeed a rewarding part of my world and I'm so very grateful God chose me to do it. :-)
I'm truly grateful for the laughter that my beautiful daughter brings to my life. She's so charismatic and animated and I love every bit of it.
Day 7:
I'm so very grateful for the sweet conversations I have with my daughter. Since fully giving my life to God she has decided to do the same (with no pushing from me). She lights up when she talks about God and that just makes my heart beat with great joy!
Day 8:
We started putting these little bags together 3 years ago and it has given my life such joy and purpose. I do not get paid to do this, yet I can't see my life without it. It is indeed a rewarding part of my world and I'm so very grateful God chose me to do it. :-)
Day 5 & Weightloss Update
Every morning I wake up and head straight for my laptop. I open I Tunes and I fill my room with music. I adore all genres of music and I have to have it in my life. Each genre does something different for me.
So, today I am grateful for music. I'm grateful for my hearing, so that I can enjoy music. I would be loss without music (seriously).
Weight-loss Update:
Today is not my day to weigh-in, but I just had to take a peek and I'm SO grateful I did!! I can officially kiss 200 goodbye forever!! As of today I am 199 lbs!! I feel so great about that and I am NOT ever going back! Ever! I am 45 pounds away from my goal and now I know FOR SURE that I am on my way!
So, today I am grateful for music. I'm grateful for my hearing, so that I can enjoy music. I would be loss without music (seriously).
Weight-loss Update:
Today is not my day to weigh-in, but I just had to take a peek and I'm SO grateful I did!! I can officially kiss 200 goodbye forever!! As of today I am 199 lbs!! I feel so great about that and I am NOT ever going back! Ever! I am 45 pounds away from my goal and now I know FOR SURE that I am on my way!
Day 4 - Peace
*I am grateful for the peace that fills me up each morning I open my eyes.
*I am grateful for the peace I feel each day as I listen to my soothing music.
*I am grateful that even through the chaos I am learning to embrace the peace.
*I am grateful God sees me worthy to gift me with his loving peace daily.
*I am grateful that the loud, negative thoughts get softer and the positive ones are getting louder.
*I am grateful for the peace I feel each day as I listen to my soothing music.
*I am grateful that even through the chaos I am learning to embrace the peace.
*I am grateful God sees me worthy to gift me with his loving peace daily.
*I am grateful that the loud, negative thoughts get softer and the positive ones are getting louder.
Day 3 - Gratitude
At this very moment I am grateful for many things, but today I want to focus on one in particular. Just a few short years ago we were pawning items (our own) to purchase food. We struggled financially and that lead to a small heart attack for me. Hurricane Katrina was a horrible ordeal to go through, but I have to admit it was a blessing for us.
Today I am grateful that our bills are paid in full and we have all the food we need to sustain us.
Today I am grateful that our bills are paid in full and we have all the food we need to sustain us.
Day 2
Day 2 - 30 Days of Gratitude
less than 3 months ago I was fearing for my life - literally. 2 spots had been seen on my right lung, but it was unknown if it were anything other than scarring. Come to the beginning of August when a second opinion was sought by a lung specialist. He confirmed it was simply scarring from years of chronic bronchitis. At that point I decided I had to do everything I could to lose weight and get healthier.
I am very very grateful for the strength God has been filling me with to achieve this. I am extremely grateful for the joy I have been experience and the energy I have daily. I am feeling better than I have in a long while and to that I am grateful to God.
less than 3 months ago I was fearing for my life - literally. 2 spots had been seen on my right lung, but it was unknown if it were anything other than scarring. Come to the beginning of August when a second opinion was sought by a lung specialist. He confirmed it was simply scarring from years of chronic bronchitis. At that point I decided I had to do everything I could to lose weight and get healthier.
I am very very grateful for the strength God has been filling me with to achieve this. I am extremely grateful for the joy I have been experience and the energy I have daily. I am feeling better than I have in a long while and to that I am grateful to God.
30 Days Of Gratitude
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” --Peace Pilgrim
Day 1:
I'm joining my friend Caroline over at Constantly Evolving for a month of gratitude. I'm no photographer, so I'll stick to writing and maybe Princess Charlie will help out with photos. LOL
When I woke up this morning I felt the strongest feeling of peace surrounding me. Daily it varies, so too feel it that strongly was a welcoming feeling indeed. So, today I am truly grateful for peace within my home, body and soul.
Day 1:
I'm joining my friend Caroline over at Constantly Evolving for a month of gratitude. I'm no photographer, so I'll stick to writing and maybe Princess Charlie will help out with photos. LOL
When I woke up this morning I felt the strongest feeling of peace surrounding me. Daily it varies, so too feel it that strongly was a welcoming feeling indeed. So, today I am truly grateful for peace within my home, body and soul.
Authenticity - A New Beginning
Authentic: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
When I first started this blog 2 years ago it was done to express my spiritual journey. Writing in my paper journal was becoming harder for me, so I figured this was a great idea and it was. But, down the line I got caught up in numbers and comments and it ultimately lead me to lose interest in my own blog. There are many things I've done and for silly reasons have let them be altered because I didn't stay true to myself. I've mentioned before that I love learning about myself (the good and bad). Going on this journey of living, eating and thinking healthier has shown me how I have failed to stay true to myself. I worried if readers would think I was becoming too christian(y). First, let me the first to say that is so very stupid! Who cares if they do? If they do they have the option of never visiting here again.
I can NOT write what I think others want me to say. I have to write what the spirit guides me to write. Doing that is me being true to myself. I can have 1 reader. If something I write helps that 1 reader, then this whole thing is worth it all. I have decided to turn off the comment feature on this blog. The main reason being I didn't start this for comments. Do I love hearing from you all? Yes! Absolutely! Deep within my soul I feel this is the best decision for me. Will I still visit other blogs and leave comments? Absolutely! I love you all and you've helped me find my voice. It is because of this I can shut off the comments and feel at peace with it. It is time for me to return to the beginning. The spot where I wrote for God and along the way it helped a few people. Most of all it helped me. (=
When I first started this blog 2 years ago it was done to express my spiritual journey. Writing in my paper journal was becoming harder for me, so I figured this was a great idea and it was. But, down the line I got caught up in numbers and comments and it ultimately lead me to lose interest in my own blog. There are many things I've done and for silly reasons have let them be altered because I didn't stay true to myself. I've mentioned before that I love learning about myself (the good and bad). Going on this journey of living, eating and thinking healthier has shown me how I have failed to stay true to myself. I worried if readers would think I was becoming too christian(y). First, let me the first to say that is so very stupid! Who cares if they do? If they do they have the option of never visiting here again.
I can NOT write what I think others want me to say. I have to write what the spirit guides me to write. Doing that is me being true to myself. I can have 1 reader. If something I write helps that 1 reader, then this whole thing is worth it all. I have decided to turn off the comment feature on this blog. The main reason being I didn't start this for comments. Do I love hearing from you all? Yes! Absolutely! Deep within my soul I feel this is the best decision for me. Will I still visit other blogs and leave comments? Absolutely! I love you all and you've helped me find my voice. It is because of this I can shut off the comments and feel at peace with it. It is time for me to return to the beginning. The spot where I wrote for God and along the way it helped a few people. Most of all it helped me. (=
Whatever You Do
"Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it."
Mohandas Gandhi
Complete Harmony - Another Aha Moment
It's been awhile, but much has been going on. I have been battling within myself these days. Today however, I believe without a doubt I can say I am in complete harmony. There are thousands of people online professing to be experts in the fields of exercising and eating healthy. However, I have yet to find one person who can relate to a person with disabilities. Most articles say change up your exercise routine often so that your muscles won't become conditioned to the same old routine. But, what happens when a person is disabled and their choices are very limited? I let this get deep within my head and started doing exercises (once again) that caused my body harm. My back was hurting so much I didn't even want to continue on this journey, then it hit me. From day 1 I placed myself and this issue in God's hands. I know without a doubt that He has given me the strength to get this far. So, what I realized is I have to stick with what works for me. Trusting God works for me. Doing the exercises that don't hurt works for me. I know without a doubt that if I do what I can do - God will do what I can't do. I believe this with all of my heart. From now on I'm listening to His guidance.
The great news is I am now 206lbs!! I am 7 lbs away from leaving the 200's and I'm so excited! I will never weigh 200 again in my lifetime. This I guarantee God and myself!
The great news is I am now 206lbs!! I am 7 lbs away from leaving the 200's and I'm so excited! I will never weigh 200 again in my lifetime. This I guarantee God and myself!
Reasons To Get Healthy
1. To honor God by honoring the body he's gifted me
2. To improve my health and quality of life
3. To watch my daughter grow into a young lady
4. Rid myself of sleep apnea
5. To feel good about myself
6. Be an example for my family
Today I Am: Grateful, Blessed, Loved, Beautiful, Healthy, Peaceful, Joyful and Determined.
2. To improve my health and quality of life
3. To watch my daughter grow into a young lady
4. Rid myself of sleep apnea
5. To feel good about myself
6. Be an example for my family
Today I Am: Grateful, Blessed, Loved, Beautiful, Healthy, Peaceful, Joyful and Determined.
3 Wonderful Moments
In this negative world we live in today it is vital that we celebrate every good thing in our lives, so I figured I'd do that here. (=
1. I put the 100 calorie candy bar down and grabbed the 10 calorie jello pack instead for a snack. I was very proud of that!
2. Noticing the beautiful muscles in my leg instead of noticing fat.
3. When I lose my next 10lbs I'll officially be out of the 200's. I've decided that my reward will be to buy myself 3 Paula Deen candles. They smell so yummy and fill the whole home with sweet scents!
1. I put the 100 calorie candy bar down and grabbed the 10 calorie jello pack instead for a snack. I was very proud of that!
2. Noticing the beautiful muscles in my leg instead of noticing fat.
3. When I lose my next 10lbs I'll officially be out of the 200's. I've decided that my reward will be to buy myself 3 Paula Deen candles. They smell so yummy and fill the whole home with sweet scents!
Scribbling My Joys
I can NOT be torn apart, because I am held together by the POWER & LOVE of The Almighty God. --Tabitha
*I've been blissfully busy spreading joy to those battling cancer
*I'm still flying high from my 9lb loss
*Getting loads of hugs, kisses and high 5's from Princess Charlie
*Enjoying the changes of the season
*Knowing without a doubt God loves me
*Knowing without a doubt that I adore Him
*Having a slip and being able to laugh about it
*Preparing for Halloween (I LOVE IT)
*Spending cuddle time with my puppy son
*Waking up breathing easily
*No asthma attacks in awhile (=
*Listening to music that makes me shake my booty or stirs my soul (sigh)
*Knowing that NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING can stop me from becoming who God created me to be
*I've been blissfully busy spreading joy to those battling cancer
*I'm still flying high from my 9lb loss
*Getting loads of hugs, kisses and high 5's from Princess Charlie
*Enjoying the changes of the season
*Knowing without a doubt God loves me
*Knowing without a doubt that I adore Him
*Having a slip and being able to laugh about it
*Preparing for Halloween (I LOVE IT)
*Spending cuddle time with my puppy son
*Waking up breathing easily
*No asthma attacks in awhile (=
*Listening to music that makes me shake my booty or stirs my soul (sigh)
*Knowing that NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING can stop me from becoming who God created me to be
Weigh In Day
I came home from Wal-Mart, stepped on the scale and found out that I am down 9 lbs!!! My last weigh in was on this very date in September at my doctor's office. I couldn't wait any longer and wanted to weigh in on the exact same day as my last weigh in. I am now officially 209lbs!! I Started in August at 220. I am just 9lbs away from forever being out of the 200's!!!
It feels good. Heck, it feels great!! I know that without turning to God and following his lead this would not be possible.
Today I Am Grateful For: A 9lb loss - God's love and guidance - Yummy and healthy foods - The strength and love of exercise - Peace - Joy - Love - Our Family losing together - Our Home - Good health - Loving support
It feels good. Heck, it feels great!! I know that without turning to God and following his lead this would not be possible.
Today I Am Grateful For: A 9lb loss - God's love and guidance - Yummy and healthy foods - The strength and love of exercise - Peace - Joy - Love - Our Family losing together - Our Home - Good health - Loving support
Can U See The Difference?
the first thing I want you to know is I am SO syked right now. The pants I'm wearing in today's photo is a huge bonus because a month ago I couldn't put them on for no longer than 5 minutes without wanting to cry. Now the slide down my belly! Say what!
Numbers For September 2010
Exercise Mins - 1220
Water - 168 cups
I haven't been weighed yet. I will probably be weighed this weekend and I'll update then. (=
I don't need a scale to say I'm losing weight. I can feel it in the way I move, breathe and the way my clothes are fitting me. Sometimes I can't see it, but today just re-affirmed this is indeed working and it's all thanks to God, hard work and determination. (=
A Moment of Insanity
OMG! I think I've mentioned before that counting calories can truly drive me mad. Well, once again it has indeed happened. It's the numbers! Everyone says to lose weight I need to eat anywhere from 1200 to 1400. Truthfully I don't eat that much, but for the sake of not harming my body I have been doing it faithfully. The 1200 is attainable for me. My problem begins with writing down the calories for every piece of food I place into my mouth. For some reason this drives me bonkers! So to regain my sanity, this weekend I wrote down everything I ate, but without the numbers next to them. At the end of the day I then tallied the numbers up. Two things happened. I stayed within my 1200 range and I didn't feel overwhelmed.
I now know for a fact that I will write down what I eat, but I will tally the calories at the end of the day. I know if I keep my portions small and drink my water I will stay sane and on track. So, what's going on with me lately? Well, I am still losing weight and feeling great about my new way of living. I had one slip (burger), but I didn't put myself down. I just vowed to do better the next day and I did. I've learned that eating sweets trigger me to become hungry, so what I do is after I treat myself to a mini peppermint patty I crunch down on an apple and that helps BIG time!
Thank you all for the encouragement!! I will be sharing a new picture of me next week and we can see the changes together!!
Love You All!!!
I now know for a fact that I will write down what I eat, but I will tally the calories at the end of the day. I know if I keep my portions small and drink my water I will stay sane and on track. So, what's going on with me lately? Well, I am still losing weight and feeling great about my new way of living. I had one slip (burger), but I didn't put myself down. I just vowed to do better the next day and I did. I've learned that eating sweets trigger me to become hungry, so what I do is after I treat myself to a mini peppermint patty I crunch down on an apple and that helps BIG time!
Thank you all for the encouragement!! I will be sharing a new picture of me next week and we can see the changes together!!
Love You All!!!
Happy Anniversary To Me/Us!!
October 1st has a huge significance to me. The first being I started this blog on that day. I can't believe I almost forgot to post about it. I'm very proud of this blog and all I've accomplished through it. I adore the relationships I've developed and I love sharing my experiences with all of you. Two years ago I wrote this post and my journey to bliss began. I'm not fully there yet, but I sure am enjoying the ride!
3 years ago on October 1, 2007 we officially re-launched our family mission. These past three years doing this has been so very amazing and we never want it to stop! We love uplifting others and knowing they are smiling because of our goody bags. God had a plan and once he had our attention it grew like wild flowers. We are doubly blessed and grateful that he chose us to do this job for him and we look forward to many more years of doing this!!!
Hugs & Love!!
3 years ago on October 1, 2007 we officially re-launched our family mission. These past three years doing this has been so very amazing and we never want it to stop! We love uplifting others and knowing they are smiling because of our goody bags. God had a plan and once he had our attention it grew like wild flowers. We are doubly blessed and grateful that he chose us to do this job for him and we look forward to many more years of doing this!!!
Hugs & Love!!
Grateful Friday
Today I'm Grateful For...
*A loving family
*God, Jesus and Holy Spirit
*The ability to pay our rent and bills
*The ability to buy healthy foods
*Cool breezes
*Restful nights
*True Peace & Joy
*A healthier way of living
*A healthier way of thinking
*My healthy organs
*My strong heart
*My arm and leg
*The ability to see, hear and speak
*A loving family
*God, Jesus and Holy Spirit
*The ability to pay our rent and bills
*The ability to buy healthy foods
*Cool breezes
*Restful nights
*True Peace & Joy
*A healthier way of living
*A healthier way of thinking
*My healthy organs
*My strong heart
*My arm and leg
*The ability to see, hear and speak
Today I'm Enjoying
Today I'm Enjoying...
-Sweet apples
-Calming music
-The Bible
-Autumn weather (=
-A brand new day
-Sweet apples
-Calming music
-The Bible
-Autumn weather (=
-A brand new day
Exercise Tips For The Disabled
My Daily Mantra: I will do what I can and God will do what I can't
The exercise in the picture is something I can not do as a person with a disability. For years I've done these only to cause my back severe pain and give up very quickly. A month ago a physical therapist showed me exercises I could do that would not cause my back any stress what so ever! I thought I'd describe them as best I could for those readers who are disabled or back sufferers. Anyone can do these and they WORK!!
Leg Exercises: For 20 minutes I do these with great intensity. I put on a 5lb ankle weight and while sitting I run in place, do leg lifts and then I stand and do half squats. Each day I alternate what I will start with so it does not become boring.
Tummy Crunches: I can not do tummy crunches in the traditional way, so while sitting straight in a chair I hold in my belly for 30 second while bringing the top of my body forward and the straight up again. I do these for 20 to 30 minutes daily. When I'm in the car I do these while hubby drives and that gives me extra exercise minutes. I also hold in my belly during commercials for extra exercise time during my favorite TV shows. Doing these for the past month has dropped my belly/waist down an entire pant size!!
Arm Exercises: I have a coffee mug that I filled with a glass egg that weighs 4 pounds. I use this as my weights and lift it in increments of ten for 8 minutes. Since I only have one arm doing it much longer becomes painful, so I stay within my limit.
I hope this helps you and will inspire many to honor their body and health!!
The exercise in the picture is something I can not do as a person with a disability. For years I've done these only to cause my back severe pain and give up very quickly. A month ago a physical therapist showed me exercises I could do that would not cause my back any stress what so ever! I thought I'd describe them as best I could for those readers who are disabled or back sufferers. Anyone can do these and they WORK!!
Leg Exercises: For 20 minutes I do these with great intensity. I put on a 5lb ankle weight and while sitting I run in place, do leg lifts and then I stand and do half squats. Each day I alternate what I will start with so it does not become boring.
Tummy Crunches: I can not do tummy crunches in the traditional way, so while sitting straight in a chair I hold in my belly for 30 second while bringing the top of my body forward and the straight up again. I do these for 20 to 30 minutes daily. When I'm in the car I do these while hubby drives and that gives me extra exercise minutes. I also hold in my belly during commercials for extra exercise time during my favorite TV shows. Doing these for the past month has dropped my belly/waist down an entire pant size!!
Arm Exercises: I have a coffee mug that I filled with a glass egg that weighs 4 pounds. I use this as my weights and lift it in increments of ten for 8 minutes. Since I only have one arm doing it much longer becomes painful, so I stay within my limit.
I hope this helps you and will inspire many to honor their body and health!!
Food Intake
8am - a bowl of grits w/ slice of wheat toast
11am - one cut cucumber w/sprinkle of sea salt & apple
1pm - Lean Cuisine Beef & potatoes meal
4pm - 1/2 cup of carrots & an apple
6:30pm - 1 boneless chop, rice w/ brown gravy and mixed veggies
8 cups of water
20 minutes of leg exercises w/weights
20 minutes of tummy exercises
20 minutes of cardio
Have A Fabulous Tuesday!!!
Sweating Away The Pounds
Happy Monday!
I've been offline a few days with exciting things going on in my life. Princess Charlie will be attending her very first homecoming dance next month, so we had to go dress shopping. It was an experience I've waited for and it was all I thought it would be. I didn't have such experiences with my mom, so I knew my kid would never be able to say that. She's extremely excited and so is her mom.
I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, but it sure is noticeable. Pants are starting to sag and shirts are swallowing me whole and I'm loving it! I was eating three meals a day, but found around 8 at night I'd get a little hungry, so I added a veggie snack in my schedule between breakfast and lunch and that seems to be working beautifully. I've broken my exercise into three intervals of twenty minutes and that works perfectly for me. the first twenty minutes are intense leg exercises with leg weights, which I purchased for a nifty $8!
I've added vitamin D & C to my daily way of living at the advice of my doctor. The benefits are great especially for those losing weight in a healthy fashion. As the days draw on I'm finding myself feeling more and more energetic and so very grateful for God's guidance on this! I know without asking for his help and BELIEVING in what He could do for me this would be hell for me. Instead I truly enjoy it and I look forward to each new day!
I'm off to do my second set of exercises! It's time to focus on the belly area. Watching it go down for me is truly amazing! I'm very excited for my hubby as well! We've been together for 13 years and he's been a big guy since before we met. I'm watching him slim down and it's amazing! He's been overly stubborn about his weight for years, but watching me has lit a spark in him and we are going through this together!!
I Don't Need It To Be Flat, But I Damn Sure Don't Want It To Be Fat
Of course I am speaking of my belly. I have no unrealistic expectations to have washboard abs. I just wish to decrease my belly size to a comfortable level. I've been learning about what amount of calories I need to lose weight in a healthy way. So many articles contradict one another, but every nutritionist I spoke with all agree 1200 is a healthy number for me. In all honesty I thought that was too high and some days I just can't eat that much, but I try to at least reach 1000. They say if you eat less than 1000 you can actually gain weight. I'm no expert, so I listen and learn.
After all of this I am seriously contemplating going back to school to become a nutritionist, but I want to do it for free. I want to help those who struggle with weight loss and feel alone in their struggle. We'll see how it plays out, but I'm more than sure that's exactly what will go down. Stay tuned for that!
Today I intend to exercise, eat healthy and put uplifting mail together. I'm very grateful for the blessings that are upon me. Hey, I sure could use some healthy dinner ideas. I welcome any suggestions as my brain has drawn a blank.
God Bless
After all of this I am seriously contemplating going back to school to become a nutritionist, but I want to do it for free. I want to help those who struggle with weight loss and feel alone in their struggle. We'll see how it plays out, but I'm more than sure that's exactly what will go down. Stay tuned for that!
Today I intend to exercise, eat healthy and put uplifting mail together. I'm very grateful for the blessings that are upon me. Hey, I sure could use some healthy dinner ideas. I welcome any suggestions as my brain has drawn a blank.
God Bless
Hello Lovelies!!
Through God I am a Victor and NOT a Victim. --Joel Osteen
The sun is shining in my world today. It has been a few days since I've blogged, but I promise I've been hard at work. God is at work within me and as the new me is revealed I become more and more excited. He is helping me in ways no human ever could have. The enemy (satan) tries very hard to discourage me, but I am finally learning how to outwit him. I never knew how to before, but these days I am paying attention as God teaches me.
Newest Updates:
1. I am now exercising 60 minutes 6 days a week and 36 on Saturdays
2. I now have muscle definition in my left leg and left arm. For me that is ULTRA huge, because these are the only two limbs that I have and it feels AMAZING for them to be in such great shape!
3. I love watching my belly melt away little by little
4. I'm doing pretty well with my eating. I get a little frustrated with the calorie counting sometimes, but I know doing this truly helps me stay on track
5. I have SO much more energy and getting around is effortless
6. When I reach my goal I wish to help others find their healthier way of living (FOR FREE)
Things I've Been Eating:
*Oatmeal - eating this for breakfast gives me great energy and pairing it with an apple keeps me full for 5 hours
*Nutri Grain Waffles w/tsp of jam - This is delicious and also keeps me full until my next meal. I usually have an apple or tangerine with it
*LOTS of Veggies - Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Beets
*LOTS of Fruit - Apples, Oranges, Tangerines, Grapes and (Bananas - occasionally)
*Fish - Talapia, Salmon and Flounder
*Bread - Whole Wheat or Honey Wheat (occasionally). I'm not a big bread lover.
*LOTS of Water
*Snacks - Cashews, plain popcorn, sugar free jello
I'll list more at a later time. I pray you are all enjoying your days!
The sun is shining in my world today. It has been a few days since I've blogged, but I promise I've been hard at work. God is at work within me and as the new me is revealed I become more and more excited. He is helping me in ways no human ever could have. The enemy (satan) tries very hard to discourage me, but I am finally learning how to outwit him. I never knew how to before, but these days I am paying attention as God teaches me.
Newest Updates:
1. I am now exercising 60 minutes 6 days a week and 36 on Saturdays
2. I now have muscle definition in my left leg and left arm. For me that is ULTRA huge, because these are the only two limbs that I have and it feels AMAZING for them to be in such great shape!
3. I love watching my belly melt away little by little
4. I'm doing pretty well with my eating. I get a little frustrated with the calorie counting sometimes, but I know doing this truly helps me stay on track
5. I have SO much more energy and getting around is effortless
6. When I reach my goal I wish to help others find their healthier way of living (FOR FREE)
Things I've Been Eating:
*Oatmeal - eating this for breakfast gives me great energy and pairing it with an apple keeps me full for 5 hours
*Nutri Grain Waffles w/tsp of jam - This is delicious and also keeps me full until my next meal. I usually have an apple or tangerine with it
*LOTS of Veggies - Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Beets
*LOTS of Fruit - Apples, Oranges, Tangerines, Grapes and (Bananas - occasionally)
*Fish - Talapia, Salmon and Flounder
*Bread - Whole Wheat or Honey Wheat (occasionally). I'm not a big bread lover.
*LOTS of Water
*Snacks - Cashews, plain popcorn, sugar free jello
I'll list more at a later time. I pray you are all enjoying your days!
Self - Revelations
I love learning and what I've been learning a lot lately is I love learning about myself. I'm seeing parts of me I never knew existed and guess what? I love every part of it! I never thought changing my eating habits would reveal so much to me. When dieting in the past I can't recall ever asking God to be my guide. This time I acknowledged that without him I would fail. Last night hubby wanted me to share ice cream with him and at first I was furious at him, but then I realized it was the enemy using him to get at me. I apologized and politely declined. The enemy has no limits! He will literally go to hell and back to get us to obey him. I guess no one gave him the memo on me. I guess he's not been informed that I submitted every part of me to God and no longer can he manipulate me.
I am now exercising 57 minutes 6 days a week. I do 37 minutes in the AM and 20 minutes in the afternoon. I feel more energetic with each new day and as I see the results I become increasingly determined to win this battle. God created this body just for me and I WILL honor Him by honoring my body. There is NO DENYING God's part in my weight loss and new way of living. Weight loss is a huge battle for any being and it is 3 times harder for those of us living with physical disabilities. So, I am very clear when I say it is all because of God that I am achieving this success. He knows my heart and mind are all on the same page with him now. I KNOW this will be a success, because He is leading me and I will hold on to that belief forever and a day.
Today I Am Grateful For: God's never-ending love, my family, my health, God's strength within me, joy, peace, success, love, my ability to love, His presence in my life.
I am now exercising 57 minutes 6 days a week. I do 37 minutes in the AM and 20 minutes in the afternoon. I feel more energetic with each new day and as I see the results I become increasingly determined to win this battle. God created this body just for me and I WILL honor Him by honoring my body. There is NO DENYING God's part in my weight loss and new way of living. Weight loss is a huge battle for any being and it is 3 times harder for those of us living with physical disabilities. So, I am very clear when I say it is all because of God that I am achieving this success. He knows my heart and mind are all on the same page with him now. I KNOW this will be a success, because He is leading me and I will hold on to that belief forever and a day.
Today I Am Grateful For: God's never-ending love, my family, my health, God's strength within me, joy, peace, success, love, my ability to love, His presence in my life.
In My Own Words
I thought I'd do this post in podcast format. I had a few things I wanted to say (tips and things) and it was easier than typing it all out. =)
I pray you are all doing well and are having a blessed week.
Living Healthy
Hello Everyone (=
I have so much I want to say, but I think I'm going to break it up into a few posts instead of bombarding your brains with one giant post. The first thing is I'm going to stop numbering my days. It sorta felt like I was pressuring myself to get back on here and update and felt guilty when I couldn't.
* I saw my primary care doctor on 9/10 and he told me I lost 3 pounds! He also said that my lungs sound wonderful and the pulmonologist was very impressed by me. *BIG Grin*
* I've decided against buying a scale. I'm going to go by the feel of my clothing and I will get weighed at my doctor appointments.
* Yesterday 9/12 I put on the shirt in the above photo. I have not been able to fit that shirt comfortably for a few months.
* Yesterday I also went to Target, because I was in need of a smaller size bra! I even purchased a pair of shorts in size XL! HA!
* Because of my changes my dear hubby has now joined me on this new path!!
* When I first became serious about this I was exercising 20 minutes 5 days a week. Because I have more stamina I am now exercising 49 minutes 6 days a week. =)
* Many ladies are following me on this journey and a few are living with disabilities.
* I believe in sharing knowledge, so I will document this journey as best as I can and I will answer all emails or questions TRUTHFULLY.
In my next post I will share some of the new food items I am eating to help me in my journey to a healthier me.
My Advice To Others On This Journey:
1. Drink lots of water
2. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
3. Watch your caloric intake, but don't drive yourself insane with it.
4. Move your body and start slow
5. Take one day at a time
Until next time...Stay Sweet =)
Living My Healthiest Life - Day 9-12
Hello Beautiful Beings (=
I have been so busy with our family mission, exercising, counting calories, being mom and wife I forget to check in here. I will try to be more aware of this in the near future. I am truly enjoying my new way of living. I am being enlightened at every turn. As my mind, body and soul transform I am growing to be the child God dreams me to be.
The Goings On:
1. I am literally feeling lighter these days. It's more of a mental thing I think, but I'll take that any day. I have lost 5 pounds so far!
2. I am breathing better with each new day. I have only had 1 asthma incident and it was so minute compared to two months ago. I'm sure the exercising is giving my lungs great support. YaY!
3. I am learning to count my calories without driving myself batty. My nutritionist suggested I not exceed 1200 calories per day, but since I am no big eater she suggested the minimum be 1000. My major downfall for gaining was sodas and going over calories due to not being educated on them.
4. My face is shrinking!!
5. My boobs are shrinking!! Some would see that as a bad thing, but uhhh not I!! LOL
6. I'm drinking LOTS of water and eating the suggested 4 servings of fruit per day. Eating the fruit truly helps with my not overeating.
Living My Healthiest Life - Day 8
Last night I dreamt of my best friend Matthew. I hadn't dreamt of him since he passed away 6 years ago. It felt good to see his handsome face again and be so close to him. I miss him terribly.
Those ugly thoughts tried to creep into my thoughts yesterday. You know the ones; "you are doing all of this for nothing." "It will take forever for this weight to drop." Luckily, I noticed them and kicked them to the curb swiftly. I think that's why Matthew appeared in my dream. Whenever I faced an obstacle he would force me to face it head on and in my dream he did just that. I heard Joyce Meyer say "if we do what we can God will do what we can't." So, I use that phrase as my mantra while exercising. I deeply believe God will most definitely guide me across the finish line. I know that because of my disabilities I have a few more stumbling blocks, but with all my heart I know God is guiding my outcome in a positive manner. I'm not fearing failure, because He is not of fear and as His child neither am I.
Today I Am: Enthusiastic, Hopeful, Determined, Grateful, Strong, Joyful, Loved, Loving, Peaceful, Beautiful and Weightless.
Those ugly thoughts tried to creep into my thoughts yesterday. You know the ones; "you are doing all of this for nothing." "It will take forever for this weight to drop." Luckily, I noticed them and kicked them to the curb swiftly. I think that's why Matthew appeared in my dream. Whenever I faced an obstacle he would force me to face it head on and in my dream he did just that. I heard Joyce Meyer say "if we do what we can God will do what we can't." So, I use that phrase as my mantra while exercising. I deeply believe God will most definitely guide me across the finish line. I know that because of my disabilities I have a few more stumbling blocks, but with all my heart I know God is guiding my outcome in a positive manner. I'm not fearing failure, because He is not of fear and as His child neither am I.
Today I Am: Enthusiastic, Hopeful, Determined, Grateful, Strong, Joyful, Loved, Loving, Peaceful, Beautiful and Weightless.
Living My Healthiest Life - Day 5-7
Happy Sunday Beautiful Beings!
This is my puppy son Jasper and he's also my exercising buddy. He's decided he needs a little exercise in his life as well, so when I am about to start he comes in and joins me. It's so hilarious and he seems to be having a ball! My exercise time has increased from 20 minutes to 30! I'm so excited about that, because I did not think that would be so soon. When I wake up in the morning my body is craving exercise. Who knew?!
I'm noticing some trimming in my belly and my left leg (only one I have) ☺. I actually feel smaller, but I won't weigh myself until I go to the doctor. I decided to base my weight loss on how my clothing are fitting. Scales just drive me crazy and they discourage me.
On a side note my hair is growing back so thick and beautiful! Cutting it off was indeed the best decision ever! I've decided to never allow it to grow long and I'm NEVER putting chemicals in it. I love looking naturally me and before you know it I'll have the weight to match. A healthy body, mind and soul coming up!
Have A Great Week Ahead!!
This is my puppy son Jasper and he's also my exercising buddy. He's decided he needs a little exercise in his life as well, so when I am about to start he comes in and joins me. It's so hilarious and he seems to be having a ball! My exercise time has increased from 20 minutes to 30! I'm so excited about that, because I did not think that would be so soon. When I wake up in the morning my body is craving exercise. Who knew?!
I'm noticing some trimming in my belly and my left leg (only one I have) ☺. I actually feel smaller, but I won't weigh myself until I go to the doctor. I decided to base my weight loss on how my clothing are fitting. Scales just drive me crazy and they discourage me.
On a side note my hair is growing back so thick and beautiful! Cutting it off was indeed the best decision ever! I've decided to never allow it to grow long and I'm NEVER putting chemicals in it. I love looking naturally me and before you know it I'll have the weight to match. A healthy body, mind and soul coming up!
Have A Great Week Ahead!!
Living My Healthiest Life - Day 4
I woke up today feeling a bit stiff, but that won't stop me from exercising today. In the past that would be my excuse for not exercising, but it won't work today! Last night we went to wal-mart for a few healthy snacks. The Nabisco 100 calorie cookie packs are awesome! I finally found the Special K Fruit Crisps. You get two per pack at only 100 calories, but I only ate 1 with 16 grapes and felt VERY satisfied!
I'm excited about dinner today, because we are having my favorite...Subway!! Subway sandwiches are not only good, they are Healthy as well! I'm off to exercise and get my booty moving beautiful beings! I pray you all have a glorious day!
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