Day 6 - Pledge of Peace

*Update for 5/5*
I took the day very slow and easy.  I typed slower (which was a great challenge), I read slower than usual (which I rather enjoyed) and I did my work at a slow pace.  I enjoyed listening to my new CD's!  They're so very relaxing.  I even cooked dinner at a slow pace (crock-pot action ☺).

Day 6: I'm very excited about today, but not really because of the journey.  Today my package of new goody bags for our mission are being delivered today!  It's the simple things that excite me folk!  Last night the urge to simplify our home hit me hard.  At 9pm every able body was cleaning out closets.  We got rid of things we no longer needed nor no longer wanted.  I dislike clutter with an extreme passion, so doing this brought me great ease.

Today's Intention:
I am going through this day being content with my life, home, and body just as they are now.

Today's Kind Act: I'm going to dance (my way of exercising).  I need to treat my body better and MOVING is indeed a great way of saying "I love you" to your body!


  1. Hi Tabitha, I love your idea of pledge of peace. I've tagged you if you wish to participate.

  2. Tabitha I am going to dance with you as well. Funny but I have my Crock pot on as well. peace to you, and have a great evening. take care.

  3. With being sick this week my "Me" time each day has pretty much been napping or resting. But I'm on the mend! And getting my hair done this weekend. :)


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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