Day 13 - Pledge of Peace

This journey has been eye opening!  I have to admit I never imagined doing this would open up so many doors nor did I think it would be a healing tool to this degree (That's MY Truth).  Learning about myself is a blessing and I pray that this journey will help anyone who reads it.  I learned that in allowing people from my life (present and past) to hurt me I developed an anger for myself.  Until this journey I never knew this, but I see it clearly now!
My mentor suggested I write down a few of my desires, so I did just that.  I am taking a stand!  I am declaring my worth and demanding respect, honesty and trustworthy relationships (on ALL levels)!!

My Desires:
*To trust myself
*To live IN peace ON earth
*To trust and forgive myself
*To be strong and wise enough to say Enough is Enough
*To rid myself of self sabotaging within
*To NEVER AGAIN allow ANYONE to DISRESPECT Me or Steal My Positive Energy
*To love myself as God and Jesus do -- NO LESS
*To Respect and Nurture my Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
*To walk with God and Jesus
*To be Changed Completely from within
*To embrace my Worth - I AM PRICELESS and WORTHY in the eyes of God

Today's Intentions: I intend to stay present in the moment

Today's Kind Act: I will speak loving words to myself

How's your journey going?


  1. Good morning Dear Tabitha!! I have been so busy...I appologize for not commenting..but I have been following your journey hon! I totally can relate to what you are saying this morning...especially the part about not letting others stomp on your peace. This was a hard lesson to learn for me! As always never fail to amaze me!! Hugs and blessing to you, Sarah

  2. Learning about ourselves can be difficult at times....I am thankful GOD loves us "NO MATTER WHAT."
    I continue my journey, putting one foot in front of the other...clinging tightly to my precious Heavenly Father!

    PS: Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.

  3. Tabitha, you are wonderful. I left an award for you over at my blog. It made me think of you right away. have a great day and keep doing what you do. take care. keep smiling.

  4. Sarah: I truly understand about being busy my friend. This journey is not easy, but as each day passes I see where I'm going so much easier. I am grateful you dropped by and I'm joyful to know you've been reading along. Hugs and blessings my dear friend!

    Andrea: I to am thankful that God love us NO MATTER WHAT. I'm also grateful that he loves us enough to show us the way to his freedom, peace, love and joy. He shows us that these things are in us due to him not others nor "things." Thank you for your presence here today!

    Cinner: I am deeply grateful for the award and will head over to see it shortly! Thank you for being apart of my transformation!

  5. Tabitha,

    I think the most difficult thing for any of us women is to see the beauty that lies within if only we'd take the time to see it and appreciate it. This journey is amazing to watch with you.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. I have trouble with negative self-talk. I didn't even realize until recently that I am REALLY a bummer in talking to myself! Very much a meanie to myself! But we are taught to be tough on ourselves!!! But you are so right, enough is enough!


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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