Today Is The Day

The world is unfortunately filled with complainers and naysayers, but if you truly want to get around them and live a life of peace and utter happiness I suggest you do this.

Do to and for others as you would want done to and for yourself.

It's truly that very simple! If you want kindness - give it! If we all took an hour or even a minute to do something nice for someone other than ourselves could you imagine how the world would be?

To Receive - We Must Give

By: Tabitha D.

Today is the day to enjoy all that surrounds you
For it was given as a gift
Each moment should be treasured
Each day celebrated
For these precious moments are gifts given to us all
and in return we should
Share in love,
Share in peace
Smile at a stranger
and always express Gratitude

Today Is The Day! Let today be your defining moment. The moment when you decide that to live and walk closer to your Higher Power you must act as your Higher Power would. Giving of ourselves can be truly rewarding and costs $0 to put into effect. Today I give you my positive energy. I give you my prayers and love. I give you whatever part of me you may need to get through this day. Today I give you peace and inspiration. Today I give you ALL of Me.


  1. It feels good to give of your time and self. Kindness is contagious too. Just a smile can warm a heart.

  2. Yesterday, at church, our pastor's serman was on giving. And of course in his way, it wasn't necessarily about giving money. But your time. He also mentioned giving someone your spot in line at the register, giving them space to move in on the freeway. Things like that. It's freeing when we live this way!

    Great post.

  3. What a wonderful post! I totally agree with you. I hear people complaining around me every day and I just think to myself, what a waste of time. I have been through so much, know what true pain and loss is but I do not complain. Thats not true, sometimes I do. But, for the most part I don't because it will not make my life a better place, it will not change what has happened and it will not make me a stronger person!

    Thank you so much for following my blog! My blog has been nominated for an award but I have only had 1 vote. I thought I would ask if you could help me raise cancer awareness by voting for my blog. If I win it could generate so many new readers and hopefully help others with their battle.

    Here is the link to vote: you so much for following my blog! My blog has been nominated for an award but I have only had 1 vote. I thought I would ask if you could help me raise cancer awareness by voting for my blog. If I win it could generate so many new readers and hopefully help others with their battle.

    Here is the link to vote:

  4. You are such an inspiration! I kept thinking about you yesterday... I kept thinking about how "you choose bliss". You have wonderful insight and strength...coming to your blog each day is my blessing!

  5. truly beautiful post of truth and honest vulnerability. I say that because it takes such to give honestly to others. You have to go in without expectation and clear humble motives. It is a wonderful gift that you can keep on giving. :) Thank you!! Have a beautiful day as you keep seeking and finding your many blessings. :)

  6. Very wise and Very true words Tabby! :)

  7. I love this post. You are so inspirational and I always feel better after visiting you. A kind word or a pat on the back or a smile does not cost a thing and takes very little time and effort. Your poem is wonderful. We should all strive to be kinder to our fellowmen.

  8. Hello Tabitha!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind messages.

    You are certainly an inspiration for so many people with your wonderful poems.

    I look forward to reading your insights regularly.

    Take care

  9. It is sad that negative people want to create more negativity...that old adage misery loves company is oh so true...
    I am always at a loss to those individuals who don't want to be happy! mmm, I cannot function in that spirit will not thrive.
    So happy to have found your upbeat, loving and caring attitude :)


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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