Stretching My Ministry

Last night I attended an online seminar and was moved DEEPLY. I feel as though I haven't been putting enough attention into my family's mission, so this week's question asked by Jamie fits in beautifully with my thoughts.

Jamie Asks: How do you wish to stretch?

I wish to stretch out of this hold I keep putting myself in. I step up to the ledge and feel completely ready to leap into what my heart and soul knows I should be doing every-single-day and then I inch back out of fear.

I'm not afraid of failing, but of rejection. I wish to stretch myself out of this. I wish to be free of this fear. This mission is what has been placed in my heart by God himself since 1992 and for the past 2 years I've been faithful, but I'm not giving it my all. I want - NO I NEED to give it my all. In the seminar the speaker spoke of following your truest self. Knowing what your ministry is and fulfilling it to the fullest. I need to no longer fear or care what others will or will not do in respect to our mission. What my focus should be on is what He has put me here for. My ministry is Afiveoh4uplifting and I wish to stretch it's goodness from east to west as of today!

FYI: is a mission ran by my family and I for the sole purpose of "Spreading Smiles One Goody Bag At A Time" to all children and adults in need of an uplifting.


  1. As Tabitha wishes, so I wish for her also.

    These fears are small, frightened parts of yourself, Tabitha. Reassured them (yourself), and as you do so, you move into Bigself.

    I see you moving joyfully into your dreams.

  2. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  3. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I joyfully wish for her as well.

  4. I love all of those, but the turtle and the frog are my favorites!

    I can't wait to see what God's leads you to!

    I'm still in the waiting stages... trying to figure out where God is leading me so I know what it is I should be doing. I'm willing to follow though, wherever He leads. The waiting isn't so easy. I'm such an impatient person. But as I continue on, I just keep seeking His face.

  5. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Congratulations on all that you have done and all that you are going to do. Following your truest self will always lead to some powerful stretching :)

  6. Very smart, your ability to drill down past what it might be that is holding you back to what it actually is... I agree, it's not failing, it's about being turned away. For me, that always feels so frightening.

    But, once you name a dragon, you can tame it. So I would say you're on your way.

    Here's to stretching for both of us.

    As Tabitha wishes rightly for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also.

  7. As Tabitha wishes to stretch out of fear, so I wish her the strength to do so.

    Wishing you nothing but goodness.

  8. Follow your Heart, Follow the Light. Follow your Dreams. Your Heart is Full, Your Light Shines Bright, and your Dreams are Now becoming reality. Hope, Love, Joy and Grace be yours today and always. May all your Dreams come true. Love and Light, Nina P

  9. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so too do I wish for Tabitha.
    Strength and conviction. You have it in abundance!!

  10. As Tabitha wishes for herself,i wish for her also.

  11. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish also.
    Your mission sounds like a wonderful calling.

  12. Step out there and fly! Last night we went to my son's open house for school. My son goes to a private school for learning disabled children. One of the new teachers spoke to the parents. He was so passionate about working with our kids. It turns out that he was diagnosed at 14 as being a mute and mentally retarded. Now, at 31, his voice is like thunder and he holds at least 2 college degrees. He told us of the importance of believing in yourself, holding your head high and going for your calling. As you wish for yourself today, I lovingly wish for you also!

  13. rejection is scary...for all of us. you, my friend, have only good to offer, so you just keep on doing it!

  14. As Tabitha wishes for herself, I wish for her also:)
    Oh hon...and what an amazing mission it is and will continue to be. Please do not be hard on you..sometimes we have to step back and regroup and breathe. The seminar has reinfused you with joy and energy!! Whooo hoo girl I can't wait to see what you do!! I know I have said so befor hon..but you are a light you really are!! You are a blessing to me!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  15. Thank You Thank You!
    This is why I became apart of this community. You all lift me up and encourage my heart and soul. I am so very grateful for you all and love my sisters deeply.

  16. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    May you stretch past the fear of rejection and keep growing and shining.

  17. Sometimes, when we think we will be rejected it turns our just the opposite and we are accepted with open arms as I am sure you will be. I love your weekend photos below, too.

  18. as Tabitha wishes for herself, so I too wish for her... :) have a beautiful day!

  19. Hi Tabitha,

    Try to not dwell on the outcome. It's the outcome that holds so many of us back. No matter what we do someone will reject it. Once you realize that, you might as well go ahead and do it! It's his or her problem.

    I wish for you to leap into the unknown knowing you will build wings on the way down - a quote by someone.


  20. I have felt fear of rejection, too, Tabby. Because I have had more than my share of it! But finally, I feel bad for the people doing the rejecting. I don't let something within THEM stop something within ME. That's their path, not my path. Too bad so sad for them. My path means I just keep on keepin' on despite exterior things. I'm a lot older than you are, and it took me a long time to get to this idea!

  21. As Tabitha wish for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Tabitha -- You are what we call a true Superstar for Jesus. I say that in a giggling and yet totally serious way.

    The "Christianity" of hate has penetrated this nation's consciousness and the help of good, beautiful people like you -- it's exactly what the true Christianity of love and acceptance is in dire need of right now.

  22. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also - to stretch out of the fear and into her ministry!

  23. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her also.

    You have such a beautiful mission and a beautiful heart. I am blessed by your words and always look forward to what you will do next. Keep growing and stretching!

  24. Oh most beautiful one!! Your mission is so awesome and so powerful I hope today you'll let go of that fear of rejection simply by virtue of the meaning and scope of your work!!! :-)
    as Tabitha wishes for herself so too do I wish for Tabitha!

  25. I have a huge fear of rejection too. I feel much stronger with a group like this around me wishing alongside my wishes. So, let me extend my wishes to your wishes and may they all come true!

  26. As Tabitha wishes, so I wish for her also.

  27. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  28. As Tabitha wishes, so I wish for her also. Look at your bravery! You share authentically and honestly.

  29. Follow your heart and take the leap. May all your wishes come true.

  30. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    May your wishes come true.

  31. Tabitha, that which you wish for, I wish for you also.

  32. As Tabitha wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.

  33. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Sweet mission, making other people lives easier. :)


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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