ICB #11: Fulfilling Your Destiny

ICB #11: Fulfilling Your Destiny (7:51)

The Written Form of This Podcast:

"When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."
- Helen Keller

Are you fulfilling your destiny? Are you living up to your full potential?

These are questions I use to ask myself on a daily basis. For the longest time I'd allow fear to run me in the opposite direction of my destiny. I knew what it was I was meant to do since I was a child. Every time I saw someone hurting or in need this fire lit up around my heart and I wanted to help.

In recent years my feet have planted themselves and my steps have become steady ones. I had to be hit over the head to finally understand that just because everyone didn't jump on my band wagon it didn't mean I was on the wrong band wagon. I started to listen to my heart and in doing so the answers became completely clear. I now knew that my destiny had found me and I needed to embrace it.

Since doing so I have been blessed with a peace within that I will guard with my life. I SEE God's miracles everyday. In placing complete faith in him he opened doors that I never knew existed. My every dream is coming true! My every need is being fulfilled and it's all because I stopped and allowed him to take the lead.

With the way my mind operates I'll always find a newer version of fulfilling my destiny. But the ultimate one is being fulfilled every minute that I breathe. I am a servant of the most high. This has proven to be one of the most rewarding jobs known to mankind.

He works through me to spread smiles and uplift his children worldwide. Every day I am allowed to spread kindness to those in need. I get to meet beautiful children who are fighting to live and adults who are fighting to find their way in this world. With my family at my side I get to make change and I can't describe the euphoria this presents.

The answer to my questions is YES. I am fulfilling my destiny and living up to my potential daily. My desire has always been to help others and through the Father I get to do this with all the resources right at my fingertips. He provides. He sends those who are like-minded down my path. The bonus is I get to become involved in some of the greatest friendships ever.

The answer to my questions is YES. Because I stopped and listened to God's word I am finally fulfilling my destiny.

Everyday I meet someone who knows what they are meant to do, but allow fear to hinder them. The first thing I do is admit that I to am guilty of this behavior. The second thing I do is speak faith into their hearts. I encourage them so that they to will feel their power. Fear thrives off of each and everyone of us, but we are far BIGGER and STRONGER than fear. WE are are all set on paths in a divine matter, so no matter what fear may be whispering in your ear today know in your heart that YOU are meant to fulfill your destiny. Whether it takes a year or 50 the end result - Your Success has already been written. Step to the edge of the cliff (eyes wide open) and LEAP. Not with your mind, but with your heart, mind, body and soul. KNOW that you will land on solid ground, feet first, because it IS your destiny.

I received this little quote in my in box one day and I've used it daily ever since. I'm passing it on to you, so that you may be empowered as well.

It says: Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says "Oh crap, she's awake!"

Fear has no home within you...Only Faith has that honor

I'd like to leave you with these words: May you be courageous and confident in your ability. No matter what happens may you walk through this journey of life with great strength and joy.

Until Next Time I Wish You All Peace & Success

*Destiny by Massimo Borchi*


  1. I like having the written version, too! To read when I can't play the podcast itself.

  2. Beautiful, Tabitha, I am so glad I read this before I got on with my busy day today. I thank God that you listened and are fulfilling your destiny. And because you are, you role model that for others. I believe I am fulfilling mine as well...all beginning when I heard a voice say to me (about 10 years old), "You are to be a teacher." I accepted and never looked back. This "teaching" has shifted and changed over the years--from classroom, to pulpit, to circle, to pen and paper, to one-on-one sitting with a journeying other. It is all the same invitation and blessing. (smile)

    I love what you say about fear having no home in you. It is only a mean visitor that aspires to keep us small. It is good to live large, brilliant, bright (not from an ego-sense, mind you) but living as our truest most God-inspired self. When we do so, we give permission to others to do the same. Shine one!

  3. Hi Tabitha,
    This is a wonderful podcast! Thank you for writing it out, too. What an accomplishment to be able to answer Yes! to this question. I answer it with some trepidation. Yes, I am fulfilling my destiny. I do wonder if I am fulfilling it in a "big" enough way...but really, I think for where I am in my life, what I am doing right now works. Your words are always so uplifting and thought-provoking. Thank you for the contribution you make through your blog and all your other interests!

  4. I love the quote you included at the end; a friend sent that to me a few months ago and it always makes me smile.

    I also love what you said about your belief bandwagon. Even though others may not agree does not mean that you're on the wrong bandwagon. Well said!

    Awesome post!

  5. Yes! This lights my fire. I love living out His destiny in me. I too see God doing amazing things. What a joy ride!

    Thank you for this uplifting post.

    God bless you, sister,


  6. I'm going to listen to your podcast, my friend!!!! I'm sure it's just uplifting listening to it as it is reading!!

  7. i really like your blog...impressive and moving


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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