I Choose Bliss Podcast #5

I Choose Bliss Podcast #5 (13:26)
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A FiveOh4 Uplifting

I invite you all to sit with a cup of tea or coffee and join me in giving ourselves a dose of Loving-Kindness. This episode deals with the topic of self-love. I hope after hearing it you will find peace in being who you are meant to be.

I give complete permission for any who wishes to forward the link to the podcast(s) to anyone you feel may benefit from them. These are created with love for men and women.


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  1. I've been thinking of you and of my list. School starts Wednesday. After that, things should return a little to normal. I'll be back then. Blessings, sweet friend.

  2. Tabitha,
    Thank you for creating another beautiful podcast. You are amazing. I love these. I really needed this today. I've been dealing with stuff that's causing me to not like myself. The swirly thoughts are also causing insomnia. Your podcast came at the perfect time. Thank you.

  3. My first visit here! I love, love, love your blog! I love everything about - what brought me here was the name, but everything is so well thought out and great! I will be back!

  4. Hi Tabitha,
    I have just downloaded your podcast...and i will be hearing it for the very first time. Am gonna get myself a cup of coffee..and enjoy your soothing voice.
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Always a blessing to visit you Tabitha.

    Hugs from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  6. Thank you for all you do :) You are such a beautiful soul!

  7. We can only change the world one person at a time and we have to start with ourselves. Society places horrible unnecessary pressures on us all that make us believe we are not good enough.

    I love your attitude towards life. I was told by the neurologist that my boy wouldn't do a lot of things running was one of them. Slowly he is proving them wrong too.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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