Wacky Wednesday

Art Credit Goes Here

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel as if you're just floating? You feel all giddy and joyful inside and you may even sing a song or two? That's Exactly how I'm feeling today! Most of my days are great, but TODAY? Today is Phenomenal! No big thing happened. I didn't hit the Lotto or anything major like that and if I had? My post would go something like this.


A few little things happened that made yesterday and today collide into one HUGE Love Fest. I'll break them down very quickly for ya!

1. Because of the postage stamps given to us by the guy at the post office we were able to mail off 2 LARGE stacks of "Uplifting Mail."
2. Yesterday I received 2 rolls of stamps from a long time supporter of ours. That's 200 Stamps!! YaHoo!!!
3. We received a very LARGE package from Oriental Trading from a blogger who wishes to remain anonymous!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
4. We also received a gift certificate from Oriental Trading, which was purchased on our behalf by my Beautiful Sister in love (law) April for $200. We can get LOTS of goodies for the kids with that!!
5. God smiled upon us and let His LOVE be seen.

Nope, I did NOT win the lottery. I WON so much more!! LOVE & SUPPORT

Those two things outweigh money ANY day!!

Thank You to EVERYONE who visited A Thorn Among Roses Yesterday!!!!!

Mail We Sent Out Yesterday:

Blessed Be My Friends!!


  1. Dearest Tabitha, For all the joy you share, a gift:


  2. amen sister! i am so thankful that we met the $250 goal! yes!!!! i am even more in awe of the wonderful blessings you got...you go! love it! and thanks for sending over some folks too!

  3. But Tabby, just wondering, are you happy today??? LOL...woohoo, you are HAPPY! And I can see why, what a great lot of things to happen at once!!!

    It's so nice to see that bright bunch of letters ready to go out and make someone's day better!!!

  4. You are so blessed as are all of those whom you so deeply touch.

  5. Yay! for you and the good things happening in your life! I am glad you have these wonderful things happening to you, and that you have such an amazing attitude of gratefulness. God bless!

  6. What a wonderful day that was. That is awesome because I know you have to be going through some stamps girlfriend with all you do for others. Thank you for all you do for others Tabitha you are turly a blessing. God Bless you and your family.

  7. You are definitely an angel sent from heaven.

  8. You are such an inspiration, I can be down and read your blog and I am up lifted, bless you.

  9. that sure is better than winning the lottery. well done to all!!!

  10. how wonderful! I've had a long day at work and your post brought a smile to my face. :-)

  11. Wow! How wonderful! When you give you receive. And the more you give the more you receive. I have a feeling you are going to be receiving more and more...

  12. What a bright and beautiful day you've had! It just goes to show that the love you put out there is returned!


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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