Confessions Of A God Loving Blogger

A blogging friend wrote about how she left a certain online group, because she felt she was giving more of her time and attention to the group rather than her family. She yearned for the comments and lost sight of why she was truly there.  It made me think of something I had spoken to my hubby about.  When I first started this blog almost 2 years ago it had a spiritual tone.  That's because I was getting deeper into my walk with God.  I noticed not many visited or commented, so I changed things up and basically excluded God from the blog.  As my followers and the comments increased I became excited and felt a sense of worth.  I noticed the numbers meant more to me than speaking MY TRUTH.  After hubby and I talked I realized what I needed to do.

I now notice that after placing God right where He belongs I receive few comments and visits.  And I am totally cool with that.  This blog was never suppose to be about numbers anyway.  It was and is about living my truth and embracing my bliss.  It's about letting go of who I was and nurturing who I'm becoming.  More importantly it's about finding God and never letting him go.  The five or six comments I receive mean so much more to me than getting 50.  Because within those 5 or 6 I'm told that this blog brings them peace.  The readers (you) see themselves in me and that helps you with your journey.  That helps me in my journey, because you are witnessing God in all of his glory and THAT is the moral to this entire blog.


  1. Plus it is soooo slow lately...I agree, the 5 or 6 comments that are heartfelt are better than a whole bushel of insincere comments or comments from bloggers just playing some popularity game...Keep on keepin' on, your blog is wonderful, but as you say, be true to yourself and I know you are.

  2. Oh hon what a beautiful very true. I think it is very easy to get caught up in the comments and not the point. I have to regroup now and again and refocus why I am here..what is my purpose and how am I being fed. Despite being a very open minded spiritual person...someone offering up their beliefs on their blogs from Christian to Pagan does not make me hesitate for a minute to comment there. It is your beautiful spirit that keeps me coming back are a jewel. So let fly with whatever makes your spirit sing hon..I will keep coming back to see you!!
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  3. And you keep doing what you do because I think your wonderful. I was thinking about you today thinking what a change you make in peoples lifes. I hope I can be that someday and find my true passion. And then I remember reading that if we think of what we one day will be, we don't do what we are supposed to today. I will get it together. Hugs to you.

  4. Lately I do not have the energy to blog or comment, but you should know I always visit and read your inspirational and kind words ~ Matthew

  5. I share your sentiments and empathize greatly. As bloggers we want to see comments and feel a sense of community. However, I have seen non-religious blogs with 2,000 followers and only receive maybe 15 comments. If you enjoy sharing God's love with others then that is all that matters. I believe there are people who stop by your sweet place and become inspired by the beauty of your words even if they never respond. So keep on doing what you do until He says otherwise or until He leads you towards something else.

  6. Your "living your truth" is an example for us all. You are so's not about the numbers...I will take quality over quantity any day.
    What you write, how you write it and how it touches others is a gift. Some people open gifts, act thrilled and then throw it away, ignore it or exchange it. Others open gifts and treasure them forever.
    Each time I open your blog, the gift you give us all, touches me...I cherish that!
    Blessing of Love...

  7. you just keep keepin' it real, be yourself and put god out there...that's where the real blessing comes true to yourself and him...
    god bless...

  8. Tabitha,

    Whatever is righteous and true is where we need to set our hearts upon. You have captured the essence of what we do so well. We need to be concerned with what God wants and less about what the world wants. We will never know the number of people who stop by, never follow, or even comment but their lives are changed forever.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. I want to thank each of you for the lovely words you left for me. Please know that I cherish each of you deeply. Even those who read this blog, but don't comment I am so grateful for. I can care less how many comments I receive. What keeps me going is knowing some good is coming from this blog. I'm SO grateful to you all and I love your presence here!!

  10. Hello sweetie! I have missed you, and your uplifting words!

    I am trying to get back into the groove of blogging and visiting!

    I completely agree. It is so easy to lose sight of the reasons we do things, when we start to let the world influence the way we feel about ourselves, or what we are doing.

    Thanks for the wise words. I hope you are well!

  11. You definitely have your priorities in order! I feel the same way. On the one hand, I am wooed by writing content that will attract more readers/followers/content. On the other hand, the whole reason I launched my blog was to try to give others hope in my story from non-believer to believer. So I try to stick with it -- even though I do get wooed sometimes! :)


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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