21 Days of Simplicity - Day 17

Image Credit Via NOLA.com

Today I Am Grateful For:
1. The hugs and kisses of my babies (my daughter, my niece and my 2 nephews)
2. A fun day of swimming with them yesterday
3. Sounds of birds singing beautifully
4. The heat letting up just a bit
5. My life and all that it holds within it

Good Morning!

Another new day of living in simplicity and I must admit this journey has been the easiest I've ever embarked upon! I guess as you get older you do gain a little wisdom. For almost 2 years now I've been learning to let go of unnecessary emotions and fears. I've been learning to truly let go of those things I have no control over. I've also learned that there is very little that I am in control of, which at this point in my life is perfectly fine. When I was controlling things it lead to stress, anxiety attacks and even a heart attack at the tender age of 31. So, it's safe to say I was messing up big time.

I'm learning that to live in simplicity you must also hold great faith within your heart and soul. I am in no way saying I've mastered this, but I can honestly say He is bringing me closer to where I need to be. Over the past 2 years I've let go of many things that where/are harmful to my life and spiritual being. It is with love and deep confidence that I encourage you to do the same. It may be something big or small, but the size is not what matters most. What matters most is the negative effect it may have on your life. Let it go.

Things I've Let Go Of In The Past 2 Years:
1. Fear of dying or fearing the dead who go before me
2. Worrying - This can be more harmful than anything
3. Let go of things - Things are nice, but they don't bring true joy
4. The past - It's where it should be
5. Negative Self Talk
6. Caring what Others thought of me

The list goes on and on, but I don't want this to be longer than it is. :)
Tomorrow I will share with you a few things I've gained from living within my new walk. Simplicity and Faith have both played huge roles in the peace given life I live within today. I hope in some small way, by reading my words this will help someone who is tangled in a life of just existing. I pray that my journey may offer you a little insight into how you may live a life that YOU choose. Because, at the end of the day my friends it is YOU who can choose to live in peace, joy, simplicity and faith. Never allow your true destiny to slip out of your hands. We only get one shot at life on earth, so why not make it phenomenal?

Peace & Love To All


  1. Oh, Tabby, we share a lot of the same fears, as I see by your list. I am glad that you have been able to conquer them! I am still working on them. You give me hope.

  2. You know, that 'caring what others think' thing is a huge thing for a lot of people. I gave that up a long time ago and it is so liberating. I amaze my husband with this ability.

  3. Thank you Tabitha for helping me realize hope is the only thing that keeps us going and every choice is ours.Our destiny is our making.Let us make it great!

  4. I have that plaque - Faith will see us through! It hangs in my living room. Love it!

    I need to work on letting go of worry. I'm trying but boy is it hard!

  5. What a beautiful post. As a self professed control freak, it's so hard to let go, even though logically I don't really control ANYTHING. Every day is a new day, full of you hope and possibilities. One day at a time !

  6. Let go and let God is what I try to live by. You are quite an inspiration!

  7. How beautiful! I have so enjoyed reading your days of simplicity. I love the letting go part. It's so beautiful and refreshing.
    "my life and all that it holds within"
    Thank you for stopping by the simple things today.

  8. Beautiful post, Tabitha! So many of your words resonate with me. Over the past two years, I have also learned to let go of the baggage. I feel blessed to be able to view things in a new perspective.....I may still flounder on occasion but I can pick up on it more quickly and then focus on something more positive instead.

    Blessings to you ~

  9. Among others, I have experienced the lesson of letting go ~ ie the lesson of detachment. It's liberating.

  10. I enjoyed your post today. I also like your spiritual to do list.

  11. I love that last line!

    You inspire me!

  12. I enjoyed reading your simple things list. What I found more inspiring was the list of things you have let go of. I struggle with #1 and #2 on that list but my past experiences have also taught me to let go of #3 to #6.

    You are freer then most if you have rid your life of these things. Well done.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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