Image credit to Stephanie MarrottWhat I Learned Today
I've Learned:
-That my patience level is not where I wish for it to be
-That I still allow certain people and things to shake me
-I need to be reminded of God's wonder from time to time
-That until a few years ago I never knew the depth of Jesus' sacrifice for me
-Knowing this changes who I am and how I live
-That I adore hubby, Princess Charlie, and The Father more now than ever
-That I deserve bliss and it's guaranteed by Him
-That the enemy is near
-That Angels on earth truly do exist (Julia & Jan)
-That family does not have to consist of just blood relatives
Each day I am learning new things about myself. Some great and some not so great, but the blessing in it all is I am forgiven for the not so great things already. I hear someone speak (Joel or Joyce), I read a post on a blog and I am reminded to "Be still and know that I am God." This reminder centers me and bring me back to what I truly need to focus on.
I am
human. I literally have to remind myself of this sometimes. I go into "superhuman" mode and forget that I am mere flesh and bones. Trying to hide feelings of hurt when a "friend" breaks my heart, trying to keep peace between broken family members who can't/won't be fix, and simply trying to be a people pleaser 24/7. I have learned so much, but I still have a great deal more to learn. For now I will go through each day taking stock in the lessons I am learning and reminding myself to "Be still and know that
He is God." I find peace in knowing I don't have to please everyone.
He is my first priority and I'm grateful to have learned these lessons on this day.