Confessions of A Scale Fiend

OK, so a few days ago I posted a picture of what I look like now.  I was on cloud 9 and then, I stepped on the scale the very next day.  It said I had a 1/2 pound gain.  I knew in my heart it was because of the sodium, but I depressed myself to no end.  Then I realized the scale is NOT for me.  I know I'm losing weight.  I FEEL it.  I SEE it in my update photos.  20 pounds to many may not seem like a lot, but for me it's HUGE.  It's funny how as we age wisdom seems to settle in very nicely and to be completely honest I am loving that.  I'll be 40 years old in 6 months and I'm truly excited!  I love the thought of being wiser and a grandmother (WAY down the line).

I've learned how to eat when I feel TRULY hungry.  I am allowing my body to alert me of hunger.  I'm no longer eating just to do it or based on my emotions.  I've also learned to eat until I'm satisfied and not until I'm freakishly stuffed.  After reading a bit on weight-loss and the human body I found out that we (humans) tend to get physically hungry every 3 to 4 hours.  I've also learned (for me) that I do not need to eat breakfast as soon as my feet hit the floor.  I wait until I feel hunger and then I eat.  Doing this has proven that the theory of "we get hungry every 3 to 4 hours" is true.

My goal for this year is to lose 40 to 50 pounds.  I need to exercise a bit more.  I truly dislike exercise and I believe it's because I see it as a chore.  I need a different mind set for exercise, so I'm working on that.

What are you learning about yourself this year?


  1. Like you, I am learning alot about losing weight. Hang in there, you are doing great. I love you my beautiful sis.

  2. When you eat out, or someone that loves salt does the cooking, it is easy to gain a few pounds in just one day.

    Drink lots of water and the sodium retention should go away in a few days.

    DON'T get on the scale everyday, just once a week. Pick the SAME DAY of the week, like a Wednesday. Have it be your weigh in day. WRITE it down.

    Yes, the way your clothes fit and how you feel should be the signs of weight loss.

    Keep up the good work and everyday is a new start. SMILE.

    Do a little something exercise everyday.

    There are LOTS of us in the same boat with you. We throw each other a life preserver when we need it and yell "swim harder".

  3. Ah, the scale ... I haven't been able to force myself to see how much weight I have gained. My clothes tell the story. You're right. Women can retain water so easily and fluctuate on the scale.

    I think 20 pounds is a GREAT accomplishment. I would love to lose 20 myself!

    Keep doing what you're doing.

    What am I learning? For now, I have learned that if I let my flesh rule, it grows like a monster and takes over my life. I am constantly having to deny it and it is quite a struggle at the moment.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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