Gratitude - Day 13

In my commitment to seek God daily I've noticed an ugly trend building.  For the past three days I have been severely distracted.  Every time I go to read my bible or listen to Beth Moore I could not focus.  I could not receive the message!  Yesterday, I cried out to God.  I knew exactly who it was, but I didn't know how to stop it.  This morning that was made perfectly clear when I went to my email and read a devotional that stated "when satan tries to block you - DO IT anyway."  "Blast your praise music, read out loud from your bible or call out to God and rebuke his antics."

So, today even if I feel my mind wandering I will start over.  I will NOT give up and allow him to defeat me!!

My many blessings...

sharing waffles with nutella with my princess
cloudy days - I LOVE watching clouds go by (:
fish fillets and roasted potatoes

I love...

my princess
my nieces and nephews
Father, Son and Holy Spirit 


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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