Faithful Friday - Washing The Feet of Others

(Photo from Google)

 In a recent message Joyce Meyer spoke on how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (John 13).  She spoke on washing the feet of those in need.  Now, I do not mean washing feet in the literal sense.  But doing things for others with pure love in our hearts.  Sometimes we need to take a moment and evaluate how we are treating our selves, our loved ones and complete strangers.  Are you going through your day in judgment of self or others?  Or are you walking in complete love?  It can be a day to day struggle for many.  I am a very loving person, but I need improving.

My goal this year is to imitate Jesus in every way that I humanly can.  So after hearing Joyce speak I decided I needed to chisel away at that selfish part of me (we all have it).  I started within my own home by cooking hot meals for my family every day of the week (except Fridays).  I cook a great deal already, but what changed was how I present the meals.  I'd cook, but everyone would dish their own meals.  Now I serve everyone and I totally love it.  So, throughout April I am taking my role as a servant outside my home.  Starting today I will be leaving little gifts, gift cards and uplifting messages around my town for unsuspecting beings to find.  I will "wash their feet" by spreading God's love in my very own way.

Have you been thinking how you may be able to "wash someone's feet?"
I'd love to hear how you achieved this!

With True Love,

Sunday Quote

“He who has a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.” 

Faithful Friday

I had always been an emotional eater.  I didn't come to this realization until a few years ago.  With any struggle I have learned that if I turn it over to God He can and will help me with it.  In the beginning I struggled severely, because when I became stressed I'd automatically want to eat something.  I tried not to submit, but would ultimately cave.  After watching a documentary of the struggle of a 500 pound woman I saw something that resembled me.  I focused too much on NOT trying to over eat.  That in itself triggered the binges.

The Bible teaches us to give our troubles over to God and Trust that He will deliver us in His time from those troubles.  My first step was I started asking myself a very important question when any urge to eat comes about.  "Am I truly hungry?"  I also ask myself "how am I feeling right now?"  After answering these questions honestly I'd realize that I am in fact not hungry.  Now what I do is drink water before each meal and if I feel that True hunger after drinking my water I know it's time to eat.  Most times we are very thirsty, but our brains read it as being hungry.  If I feel hunger pangs (the signal God placed in our bodies) I know it's time to eat.

I have not had an emotional eating episode in over two months.  Does that mean it can't happen?  No, I am after all a human being.  But, I now have tools to help me have a better chance of it not occurring.  I place my trust in God and I use the tools given to me.  I'm sharing them here, because they may help someone else.  Food is an addiction for millions of beings on this earth, but there is help.  There is hope for each and every one of us going through this.  For everyone the reasons why this starts is very different, but with God you can overcome it.  I'll be sharing much more in future posts.  God bless!

Random Thinking

So, I'm sitting in my bedroom in complete silence thinking.  Oprah suggested that everyone give themselves at least 10 minutes of silence and stillness each day.  I've been doing this, but today it's been very emotional for me.  Some days I am truly on cloud 9 and others I am in the deepest, darkest part of a cave.  I think I now realize why that is.  I have been lying to myself about a few things.  Also I get so low when I hear, read or see troubles of this world.  It's gotten so bad that I have limited my TV watching tremendously. 

For many of you who have been reading my words for awhile now know that I am a truly emotional being.  I am also tremendously bursting from the seams with love for others, but not always for myself.  This weight-loss journey has been the most loving thing I have done for myself in awhile.  Since starting this journey I have grown to love me in the greatest way.  I care about my health, life, mind and body.  I want to live my best life ever.  How will I achieve that?  For now I am going day by day.  I'm trying (to the best of my ability) to fashion myself behind my Heavenly Father.  That only means I'm trying to better everything about me.  I'm not a very forgiving person.  I want to be, but I am not.  I can be impatient and get frustrated when I truly should just chill.  All of this is because I've been lying to myself.  As of tomorrow it all changes.

I started my weight-loss journey on August 24th, so I think it's appropriate to start my "Self-Love Walk" on that same date.  So, starting tomorrow I'm making some internal and external changes.  I'll be sharing what they are here.  Why?  Because putting my words, thoughts and emotions out there is truly helpful to me.  For 3 years now I've been seeking God with great determination.  I also think I should be creating my OWN happiness and learning to deal with the other crap.  So, here I go!

Healthier Meal Option

I received a few emails asking about the photo above.  If you are a pizza lover as I am by now you know that a slice of pizza from well known places can add up to over 300 calories PER slice.  I found this healthier version via Youtube and I was able to have all 3 for lunch for as little as 180 calories!

Items Needed: 1 package of regular biscuits, your favorite tomato sauce or salsa, cheese (I didn't add cheese), crushed black olives, chopped bell-pepper, green onions and mushrooms (or any veggies you love)

-We sprayed foil with pam
-placed biscuits spread apart and flattened the biscuits
-baked biscuits on 375 for 7 minutes (until brown)
-added 1 tsp sauce per biscuit along with veggies
-Placed in oven for additional 5 to 7 minutes

Sunday Quote

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less"

Free Sharing

I truly understand that people have to make a living.  I especially understand in these days where jobs are ending at a rapid rate.  However, it confuses me how many discuss helping America get fit and turn around and say for the low low price of...(add any crazy amount here)

Two years ago I watched a documentary on the Weigh Down Method.  What I heard her say made complete sense to me.  She encourages others to eat only when you are physically hungry, stop when you are satisfied and lean on God for guidance.  My problem with her is she charges to share this information.  Should we really pay someone to give us these tips?  Yes, I find these tips very helpful in my journey.  But, once that clicked for me I turned to God as she said and asked him for help.  In doing this he guided me to MANY bloggers who are on the same path as I am on and they share their journey and tips freely.  Many state they are doing it, because they want to help others.  So do I.  I'm learning that a community of people striving to lose weight can be the BEST prescription for those struggling to be healthier.

Here are a few FREE tips that ABSOLUTELY work!

--Eat ONLY when you are Physically hungry (this is ridding me of my emotional eating habits BIG TIME!)
--Drink LOTS of water (8 to 10 cups per day is the norm for me)
--Do NOT drink a bunch of calories (juices, sodas, alcohol)
--Incorporate fruits and veggies in each meal (You WON'T regret it)
--Practice mindful eating (we turn off TV's when we eat..If I'm alone I listen to soothing music while I eat.  Doing this helps you be mindful of when you are satisfied and will help you stop eating before you over do it.)
--Write..It..Down (write down what you are eating throughout the day.  Doing this helps you see any patterns that may be harmful to your journey.  Studies show that those who keep food journals lose MORE weight than those who do not.)
--Stay away from empty calorie foods - Foods that don't fill you for very long or at all. (You'll have to decide what those are, because everyone is different.  For me a few are 100 calorie packs, Chinese food, chips, and candy.  There are a few more that I will share in a later post.

I pray this helps and know that I am cheering you on!!


Wonderful Wednesday Find

I've been reading tons of recipe blogs and recipe websites lately.  I've even found great ideas from chefs on Youtube.  One thing I recently found was flat bread (white wheat pictured).  The other is veggie trays (cauliflower and cheese) by Green Giant.  The flat bread is only 100 calories for both pieces and the veggie trays are only 40 calories.  I'm a veggie fanatic, so this was a Christmas morning find for me.

Today I am...

Have A Blessed Day!!

Gratitude Monday

Sunday was truly a relaxing day within my home.  I'm a huge popcorn lover, but I stay away from the butter flavored kind.  While watching The Cooking Channel I saw chef Michael Simon pop popcorn on the top of his stove.  With technology these days I guess I forgot that we could even do this!

I popped my popcorn, went into my room and read my devotional book.  I truly enjoyed my day of peace and quiet!

Today i am...


Today i am grateful...

--For a new day of life
--God's never-ending love
--Fabulous new recipes
--My hubby and daughter
--My puppy son

Sunday Quote

“Enlightenment does not ask you to be perfect; 
it simply asks you to find perfection right where you stand.” 
--Alan Cohen

Faithful Friday

On January 1, 2011 I became overwhelmed with the desire to be more like Jesus.  My heart, mind and body were filled with great peace, joy, love and compassion.  I had no idea how I would truly achieve this and I'm well aware that no human will ever be "just like Jesus."  But, I do know that he desires us to get as close to it as possible.

Every morning I declare that my main goal is to be more like Jesus.  Some days I fail, but I notice the mistake and immediately correct myself.  The me of 6 years ago would have never even noticed it.  With wanting to be more like Jesus I see him showing me the things that I need to be freed of.  I have some ugly things within me like judging, insecurity, and trust issues.  These are the main three things he's been showing me.  My daughter and I talk a great deal and I was expressing this to her and she said "mama I think God is cleaning the old you out to make room for the new you."  "It's like an abandoned home, you have to tear it down to rebuild the new home."

That child is way before her time, but she is so right!  Of course, I truly dislike finding out these things about myself, but I humbly accept that I won't be this way for much longer.  At first I was scared to ask God to change me, because I knew I'd have to be gutted out from within.  Now I embrace this gift, because it takes me one day closer to being more like my Almighty Jesus.

I am grateful God gives us this gift of renovation and restoration!

Healthy Meal Idea

 My friend Lillie gave me a great idea for cooking my meat.  She cooked a roast in the slow cooker and marinated the roast in Salsa Verde (green salsa).  I tried this and it was a HUGE hit within our home.  So, I started wondering if it would go well if I did the exact same thing, but with boneless chops.  Guess what?  It was a beautifully success!!  So, I seasoned my chops with sea salt, thyme, parsley, and southwestern chipotle.  I cooked them in the slow cooker until they were tender (2 hours on high).

I took frozen veggies, placed them in a baking pan and baked them in the oven.  I added a tablespoon of olive oil, sea salt and southwestern chipotle.  I baked them for 30 minutes and wow were they ever juicy and yummy!!  To round our dinner out we purchased Lean Cuisine's new steam bags.  We tried the Chicken Alfredo, which was simply Yum-O!!

Bon Appetite!  

Taken For Granted

Back in January I sprang my little arm.  The only arm I have and I messed it up pretty good.  All my life I've walked around thinking my limbs (the two I have) were indestructible.  I took them for granted.  I over used them and my arm decided to just shut down.  For a week I couldn't feed myself, type, brush my own teeth, bathe myself or even scratch my own nose.  I was miserable!  But in this misery a thought formulated.  I began to feel gratitude for this down time.  I started to realize just how much I didn't appreciate my arm.  I took it for granted.

I realized I had to cut back on much of what I was doing with and to my arm.  Every day I wake up and express gratitude for my arm, leg, eyes, nose and ears.  I even kiss my hand to show it affection (it can't hurt right?).  Daily we take so much for granted.  I didn't like the truth of this, but it is what it is.  I am going through my daily walk being well aware and appreciative of the little things I/we tend to take for granted.

I Appreciate...
-Clean water
-Awesome pots and pans to prepare meals for my family
-Pretty plates to place food on
-The air-conditioner
-Sweet smelling soaps to clean my body
-My limbs
-Clean toothbrushes and toothpaste

What are you no longer taking for granted?

Sunday's Quotes

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reasons Why I'm Losing Weight

I wrote these in my journal and after re-reading them I felt a sense of peace and inspiration.  I thought I'd share them with you here.  I didn't think these out I just wrote what was truly in my heart at the moment.

1. Because I want to honor god by honoring the body he gifted me

2. To set a stronger example for my husband and our daughter

3. So I won't feel like I'm drowning when I lay down to sleep

4. To rid myself of my sleep apnea

5. So I can walk again on my artificial leg

6. to feel healthy

7. So I can say I started something and saw it through

8. Because it's best for ME

9. To wear a size 12 again

10. To be at peace with the woman staring back at me in the mirror

What are your reasons my friends?

A Newer View

I try so hard to keep my thoughts in line, but sometimes I slip up.  The great thing about this weekend was I learned a few lessons.  The most important one was...I am not perfect and that's Okay.  I've been reading a great deal of weight loss blogs and in doing this I saw myself in many of these people.  I could relate to their ups and downs.

The scale has been my enemy from day 1.  I asked my daughter to hide it from me only to beg her to let me weigh myself.  That was not fair to her nor myself.  I tried on 2 pairs of pants that once were very tight on me.  Now both pair are SUPER loose.  This made me feel great about my journey.  

My problem in a nutshell is this...I'm losing weight way slower than everyone else, because of my deformities.  My exercise regime is less than what those with both arms and legs can do.  But my second lesson brought this home to me in a very sweet way.  It has taken me 5 months to lose 24 pounds (because of my inability to exercise as much and as intense as those with both limbs), but it will be that harder and longer for those 24 pounds to return.  Once the remaining 45 pounds leave my body I plan to never allow them to return.  Being handicapped and losing weight has it's challenges, but I know God is on my side and I WILL be a huge success at this. 

Mini Goals:

*Get to 191 by April (2nd week at best)
*Get to 180 or less by my birthday August 1st

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