Pink Thursday

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Every Thursday during October, I am joining Christina @ Soul Aperture and many others who are posting something pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Cancer has hit my family more times than I can count, so I express concern for all who read this blog. Ladies, please complete self breast exams often and guys as yucky as it may seem please get your yearly colonoscopy if cancer is a factor in your family history.

"Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded."


  1. this is a beautiful pink reminder. and yes, men get your exams, we love you too much to lose you, to this disease.

  2. Bless you for sharing the message! I whole-heartedly agree! Get your mammograms if there is a history and/or you are over 40! It's a bit uncomfortable to do (not too bad) and it just may save your life and the life of your family!!

  3. What a beautiful reminder.

    xo, Mango

  4. What a gorgeous pink flower Tabitha!! This is too true...when cancer runs in a family it is even more important to be checked regularly. For those who have never had cancer in the family please don't be lulled into thinking it won't/can't/couldn't can and it does. Check yourselves and listen to your body.

  5. beautifully said with a pretty flower to match.

  6. Thank you, Tabitha. It's important to remember, and to remind others.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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