Congratulations To!

Sarah Lulu is the winner of our anniversary giveaway!
Operation Smiley Face is the winner of our giveaway over at Afiveoh4uplifting

Congratulations Ladies and thank you for your kindness!!

My family and I have been talking and since we have made it to our 2 year anniversary, which is Amazing! We now want to make this site more interactive. We want to share with you more than what we're doing with our ministry. We want you to truly get to know who we are. We'll be posting about joyful stories of others, we'll be highlighting other fabulous people who are making a difference (be it BIG or small) and we'll constantly keep you informed on how YOU can make a difference by doing ONE nice thing per day!
Read More Here


  1. Oh my goodness!

    Thank you so much.

  2. Congrats winners!

    Your new bloggy direction sounds awesome!

  3. Congratulations Sarah Lulu! Lucky lucky!

    Tabby looking forward to anything and everything you have to share!


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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