Photo taken by Princess Charlie
I'm very good at talking people down from their chaotic minds, but lately I've been trying very hard to take my own advice. I have to keep reminding myself that I can not change people, but I can change myself. Learning this has been so freeing! I am a huge lover of learning new things and every day I learn something and it leaves me in awe.
I've Learned:
*That I can only change me
*That everything has a reason for happening
*To seek the answers/upside to whatever happens
*That there are some very awesome beings in this world
*That I am in complete control of my happiness
*With God anything is possible (I see this daily)
Today I Am:
1. Growing 2. Loved 3.Kind 4. Compassionate 5. Forgiving 6. Beautiful 7. Content 8. Intelligent 9. Uplifted 10. Faithful
I want to truly thank each and every one
of the people who read this blog daily. Whether
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I decided long ago not to do this blog for numbers or popularity.
I do it in hopes of helping someone through my words. I do it to
uplift God in all his glory. Thank you for being with me each day!!