When Peace Returns

When Peace Return (4:28)

Above is the podcast for this post, so those who wish to hear my words may do so.

Peace...I noticed it creeping back in on yesterday, but today it was simply in my face and I loved it.  I asked God to help refocus my thoughts and He did!  Even after all of the heartbreak and the moments of not being able to breathe.  He heard my cry and blessed me with his sweet and comforting peace.

Today (unlike yesterday) was completely and utterly a non forced peaceful day.  I didn't have to remind myself to be in peace.  Peace was here center stage!  I literally breathed in peace and exhaled love!  How does one seek peace when their world is falling apart?  How may a being focus completely on peace when every part of their heart is breaking?  For me the only answer was to pray.  I believe this to be the answer for any being in this world.

Call on God and pray as if your very life depended on it (and it does).  As you release your prayer believe that it has already been answered.  If you've been hurt ask to be filled with forgiveness.  I you have or are losing a loved one ask for strength, understanding and inner peace.  Whatever it is that has flipped your world inside out simply pray and believe that it will be answered.  I guarantee it will be answered.  Maybe not as quickly as we hope for or in the form we were expecting, but He will answer.

I'm learning to lean on GOD more and less on others or my own understanding.  I'm finding this to be extremely beneficial in my walk with Him.  Psalm 62:5 says, "only God can give inward peace and I depend on him."  Whatever turmoil or distress you may be facing today I encourage you to bring it to God and leave it there, because if you are without peace you are without joy.  That is never His plan for any of us.

Seek Out Peace and Joy...Namaste


  1. What a deep podcast. I'm glad the peace flowed in and the stress and sadness out.

  2. Thank you so much for such kind and comforting words. Your post and podcast were so helpful today. I have been doing the same, surrendering to God, praying, hoping, healing.

    "It is very tempting to give up, yet we have to find the will to keep going. But even when we discover what motivates us, we realize that we can't go the distance alone." ~ Christopher Reeve

  3. Tabitha,

    There is no greater joy than to be filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding and feeling God's love in the midst of it all.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. Hello beautiful, how are you stranger? I was away from blogging for some months and now have come back and need to catch up with what is happening to you. How are you? Hugs to you and yours.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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