We Are Never Alone

We Are Never Alone

For years I didn't understand the concept of "we are never alone." I believe in the Father, but their were many times when I felt alone. I was filled with fear from this feeling as well. I would think something bad would happen if I were alone. Three things happened to change my way of thinking. The first thing was the movie "The Passion of Christ." I went to see this movie with my husband, sister and my oldest niece. After seeing in great detail what Jesus endured for me truly made me reevaluate my life in general. It made me want to live and think in a way that would honor Him. I knew my old way of thinking was in no way honoring Him. The second thing was my grandmother's passing. For years this woman taught us what it was to be strong in God. She believed completely and knew that He was in control. She knew that to honor him she had to fully live within Him. That meant having an unwavered faith. Even in the days leading up to her death she knew He was in control and she had nothing to worry about. That event alone sent me running to God in a way I had never done before. My grandmother's death taught me things I had never fully known. The final thing was the Bible. I started reading the Bible this year (2009) and I have to admit along with my grandmother's death it was the hugest eye opening experience ever. I started to feel emotions and old emotions (bad ones) disappeared. I learned just how much Jesus loves me. I learned that He wants me to know that I am NEVER alone, for he is with me every second of my life. He's been there the entire time! That blew my mind, but also gave me deep comfort.

Every day when I wake I now know that I am not alone. I know that I am loved in such a way that no human on earth could ever love me. He gave his life for me. There is no greater act of love. If everyone in my life were to abandon me I now know I can stand tall, because The Father will never abandon me. As long as we have Him we are loved immensely and will never ever be alone.

*For eternity all my heart will give all the glory to your name.*
A line from You Hold Me Now by Hillsong

Do you have something to say? I'd love to hear from you so leave me a comment below.


  1. I've struggled with feeling "alone." I know in my heart now that I am NEVER alone either. Thanks for the reminder!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Yeah, I used to have serious issues with being alone and still am a littl bothered by it at times, but nowadays, God has shown me that he is all that I need! That is the most wonderful feeling in the whole wide world!

  3. What a lovely post and beautiful feeling :)

  4. Thank you all so very much for blessing me with your presence!

  5. What a wonderful feeling.

  6. Tabitha, what a beautiful and insightful post. Thanks for writing this, blessing us with your experiences, words, and comfort. It is a great reminder.

  7. Thank you for sharing your words of insight. I write Christian Fiction for teens and Never Alone was the title of my second book. I try to teach through my writing and it is really a story about getting teens into the Word of God so that they realize they are a part of God's family. You shared an example of just that. Thank you so much for being an inspiration to many.

    Jan Sullivan


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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