Getting Back To Bliss

I started blogging a little over a year to share my journey with God and yet somehow I lost sight of that. I started feeling like I had to please the thousands of people who have read this blog. Who still read this blog. Your interest in my words and emotions humble me, but I now see that I have to get back to writing what pleases me. And that is God, my family, and this rollercoaster journey I am on, but never want to get off of.

This year (2009) is coming to a close and it has been an amazing year for me personally. I've overcome obstacles I never imagined I could. I've grown in ways I didn't see coming. I've found a love filled relationship with God that NO ONE can destroy. I've failed at a few things and my family still cheered me on. You (my readers and friends) cheered me on.

I would say I have no idea what 2010 holds within it for me, but I would be lying. He has shown me a few marvelous new paths we'll take. He has filled my heart, mind and soul with the word ABUNDANCE. So, it's pretty safe to say 2010, although will present it's challenges will ultimately be a year for the books.

I hope you will continue to journey with me. I pray you will continue to listen to the podcast I present to you. I have faith that we have all grown together and will moreso in the new year. Forgive me for my lack of presence these past few months. I am not back on track and ready to spread the work of goodness my Father brings. I am ready to once again Choose Bliss.

From My Heart To Yours ~ I Present

ICB19: Loving Our Imperfect Selves

*Image used via Google


  1. so very are amazing!

  2. I know, a bloggie can take on a life of its own, and become a chore, gladly done for others, yes, but still, a chore. Got to get it back to being very positive for YOU and I think your readers will enjoy the ride!!!

  3. Goss I think we had our anniversary :-)

    Merry Christmas my Sister, Hope you have a Beautiful Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year! xoxo dar

  4. I'm so glad our paths have crossed in 2009, and look forward to journeying with you in the coming year. You're a blessing, my friend!

  5. I think you and your blog are great! I have an award for you at The Redhead Riter

    Thanks and enjoy!

    Remember that little saying, "To thine own self be true." I will keep reading your blog no matter which direction you choose.

  6. God has Blessed you with His Gifts of Love and Compassion. You are filled with His Love and it Shines in,with, and through you. You are a Light, Gods Light, glowing with a purpose and a mission of Gods design. May the Peace, Love, Joy and Hope of Christmas fill your heart and soul now and always. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P.

  7. A lovely post!
    Happy holidays to you and your family.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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