Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things That Have Recently Made Me Smile:

*Beautiful sterling silver jewelry at Eve's Addiction -
*A beautiful red and white stuffed Valentine's Day pup I lovingly named Russell (after my uncle)
*A gorgeous fluffy red bear I lovingly named Michelle (after my cousin)
*Reading John (Bible) again..I LOVE that book!
*Seeing Drew Brees on Oprah (YES, he is beautiful and made me smile)

My Three Beautiful Things Today:

1. Eating a delicious Vday meal cooked by my hubby.  He cooks with such love and passion!
2. Princess Charlie's Smile
3. Laughing with the kids until I was literally breathless. 


  1. laughing with the kids is always fantastic! have a wonderful monday tabitha!

  2. Tabitha,

    These are simply beautiful things that you have shared! I love the simplicity of this post!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. YOU are beautiful!

    I hope you are having a wonderful week!


    Teresa <><

  4. There is true beauty in you and from you. Hugs to you my friend. Take care.


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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