Getting To Know Myself

Right now I’m focusing on healing myself (mind, body and soul). This means I need to give myself more of my time. So, I’m working on that. To some it’s going to seem selfish, but it’s only selfish to them because they won’t be benefiting from it. I have Always been a nurturer, but now I need to give that gift to Tabitha (Me). She matters. She deserves this now more than ever! She’s worthy of attention, affection and dedication. This is My Year! I WILL Fall in Love with Me Daily and I WON’T feel guilty for making myself a Priority!

Before changing the way I ate I was overweight, had severe bowel issues and I had a sugar addiction. Sugar was a huge trigger and it sent me spiraling! After I changed things up the sugar addiction melted away. I can NOT explain the why's, but I simply love that it is!

I have raised my daughter and I'll always be here for her, but I Need to Assure this will be the case! I need to put my needs first. I need to put more focus on myself and continue to heal my entire being. As a mom there is always a twinge of guilt, but my daughter tells me it's time. She will soon be 23 and she insists I focus on myself more.

I'm grateful to have such support! I'm SUPER Excited for what's to come!

*A beautiful day at home with my family on this cold day
*I get to eat the most yummy foods
*I have the Love of God guiding me daily

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You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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