The Simple Things

Photo Credit Dianne-Poinski

Today I am sharing the simple things with you as many other bloggers are doing in an effort to help Christina over at Soul Aperture.  For every blogger who signed up to take part Christina and her family are donating $1 to Doctors Without Borders to help in the aid of Haiti.  This is a beautiful gesture and I in no way could pass up this opportunity.

The Simple Things I Adore:

Reading a book ~ The feel of clean sheets ~ Soft music in the background as I drift off to sleep ~ A tight hug from my daughter every morning and every night ~ Laughter ~ The smell of bananas ~ The sound of a birds singing ~ Quality time with God ~ Meditating ~ Cooking for my family ~ A car ride on a Saturday evening ~ Receiving handwritten letters ~ Writing handwritten letters ~ snuggling ~ A hot cup of chocolate ~ Holding Hands ~ Smiles ~ Life.

*Wishcasting Wednesday* This week the lovely Jamie Ridler asks: What do you wish to awaken?

I wish to awaken the child of God I am meant to be.  I wish to awaken the sweet bliss that lies within me.  I wish to awaken that superhero that fears nothing and can do anything she puts her mind to (she's almost awaken).


  1. i love the tight hug from your daughter...i believe in showering our children in love, so i do the same.

    great list.

    one love.

  2. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Blessed be.

  3. i am thinking of you...and sending love across the way :)

  4. Tabitha, your just beautiful, Recieving handwritten letters are one of my favorite, as you so wish I wish for you also. Here is to the superhero that fears nothing. Take care.

  5. As Tabitha wishes for herself, I wish for her also. I love when you said the superhero that is afraid of nothing and can do anything she puts her mind to. I think I am going to add a cape to my vision board to remind that I can be my own superhero. Thanks for a great reminder!

  6. Hi Tabitha...I am so glad I've been connected to you and your upllifting blog through Christina's simple things.
    Quality time with God....YES!!! LOVED that. What a beautiful way to phrase that. Thank you, I'll keep that thought close to my heart.
    xo country girl

  7. As blissful beautiful Tabitha wishes for herself, I so lovingly wish this for her also. xxx

  8. Handwritten letters are nice!

  9. As Tabitha the superhero wishes for herself I wish for her also!

  10. Tabitha, I feel exactly as you do with awakening my God nature. I feel God inside of me. I'm so close to really walking it and living it. As you wish for yourself, I lovingly wish for you too!

  11. i SO love handwritten letter...given and recieved...not many people do it still which is so sad considering its art form like feel to it...


  12. Your list of simple things could have easily been mine only I have a son. beautiful...

  13. ~"the sweet bliss that lies within me" i think its already awake...and shows daily! as Tabitha wishes for herself so I wish for her too...brightest blessings~

  14. i love your are such a wonderful woman! i feel blessed to have you a part of my life!

  15. a car ride on a saturday evening. that is just a lovely thought. quality time with God, doesn't get much better than that.

  16. what beautiful thoughts and wishes - i hope it comes true.

    hope you have a wonderful day.

  17. As Tabitha wishes, so I wish for her also!

    May you find your golden lasso and never let go.

  18. What you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

  19. i missed you...and it is all my fault. i love your always is so enlightening. thanks, my friend!

  20. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Go Superhero!

  21. lovely list and a lovely wish.

    as tabitha wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

  22. In all of her beautifully inspired simplicity♥as Tabitha wishes for herself these deep, beautiful, powerful awakenings, so too do I wish for Tabitha!

  23. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.. May you continue to awaken.

  24. here's to a superheroine! awaken ...

    Giulietta the muse

  25. As Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Awaken the beautiful child of God that you are!

  26. We have quite a few of the same things on our list. Funny how so many of the simple things in life are really universal pleasures!

    Thanks for sharing.

  27. hugs from my sons are one of my great joys also. a beautiful list you have shared with us

  28. Oh my yes. A list of things so simple and sweet...that fill our hearts to bursting!! ♥

  29. ahhh cooking for the family...bliss
    loved your list
    mine's up too :)

  30. hand written letters, a beautiful thing :) wonderful list!

  31. Oh gosh, your list reminded me...I forgot the bananas and that means another trip to the store!!! Because tonight is fried p-nut butter and banana sandwiches...

  32. I love your Awaken wishes. They are wonderful, and as Tabithat wishes, I so wish those for her. You have a great site and I enjoy visiting.

  33. As Superhero Tabitha wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)

  34. I LOVE that wish!!!

    As Tabitha wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  35. Tabitha,
    As you wish for yourself today, I wish for you too.
    I love to receive and write handwritten letters too!

  36. What a beautiful wish! As Tabitha wishes for herself so I wish for her as well:)

  37. I'm struck by how similar our two lists are. Don't you just love that?

  38. Your simple things bring me peace. Beautiful photo!

  39. I adore hand-written letters - wish I was as good at writing them!

  40. Tabitha... I have missed you girl..
    Just stopping by to say hello!

    HOw are you?

  41. What a beautiful wish, Tabitha! I'm happy to be here, in your lovely blog!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!



You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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