believe in honesty. Especially, being honest with myself. I run from
relationships. Not that I don't love the people or person. I feared
getting hurt (I've had my FULL share). I noticed three years ago I
started withdrawing from people. I don't want to live this way! God
has things for me to do and I can't do them if I'm hiding from the
world. I promised this would be the year I change this. So, for 100
days straight I will be doing whatever it takes to change this. I'm
going to start by reaching out to those I pulled away from. I'll also
be removing those who have proven they don't belong in my life.
In 100 days I'm also choosing to trust God. When it comes to my daughter's safety I find this hard. I want to protect her at all cost, but I can't. God Can. I have to trust Him. No matter what my head says I'm choosing to trust God.
Here I Go!!!