As we all now know the enemy attacks the minds of Christians daily. He loves placing fear based thoughts into our minds. During my prayer time/bible study with God He's been revealing a great deal to me. I'm a huge believer in sharing ALL that God teaches me. We can't do better until we know better.
Over the past 4 years I've been hearing and reading "Faith comes by hearing." I've found this to be so very true. The more my faith increases the more satan tries to attack. At one point I was believing God to do something and satan would say "who are you that He should do this for you." "What if He can't or won't?" For a brief moment he made me feel bad for believing what I believed. I started to think "I'm being arrogant to think I deserve this." Of course I saw what was happening and turned to God. He in turn taught me some valuable lessons.
1. Satan has NO authority nor power over the life, mind or body of a child of God
2. It is NEVER wrong to expect God to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond in your life. It is actually a requirement!
3. Confidence & Faith in God is Believing without Doubting
4. It is NEVER wrong to have EXTREME Confidence in the Lord
5. Believe you are victorious Especially when you are facing troubles
6. NEVER be afraid to Believe!
7. Come into agreement with God about EVERYTHING even when you are unsure
When troubles manifest KNOW that Jesus has already defeated it and He has the answer
8. When you enter God's Rest (you no longer worry and you expect God's goodness) satan can't attack your mind.
I pray that these lessons will bring peace and joy to anyone reading who's being attacked in the mind. We do not have to submit to the thoughts of the enemy. Our Father is stronger, bigger and wiser than any demon. When you follow Jesus and completely depend on Him you begin to find a greater peace (mentally, physically and spiritually).
God Bless