Gratitude Galore

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Today I am Grateful:

*God hears and answers prayer
*Although I don't deserve it He shows me mercy
*We woke up healthy and joyful
*I can pray to God in peace
*For knowledge, wisdom and strength
*I have God's peace, joy and love within me
*Miracles still happen daily
*For the lives that are being restored in Jesus' name
*For my Beth Moore devotional book and prayer cards I received yesterday
*To every being who reads this blog

3 Words

Describing My Life In 3 Words:

-I am saved
-I am loved
-He restored me
-I'm a survivor
-I'm never alone
-Living my truth
-Following my Father
-Use me God
-I uplift others
-Loving me Now
-Trusting him Daily
-Letting joy bloom
-Consumed by love
-Thank You Father!!!!

Learning by Watching Birds

For the past two summers something wonderful has been happening.  Every summer without fail a beautiful red bird appears at my bedroom window daily.  This bird comes to my window DAILY.  I have been trying to figure out why for the longest time.  Now I need to put it out there that I was never a huge bird fan.  I think they are beautiful and I admire their grace, but I never watched them or wanted tons of bird paintings in my home.

A few weeks ago my daughter and I swapped bedrooms and let me tell you I am in heaven, but that's for another post.  The very next morning of the swap I noticed the red bird at my (NEW) bedroom window.  Later that day a beautiful hummingbird came and I was in awe of this little creature.  The day after the hummingbird had a companion and I just flipped!  My daughter said "it's funny how they come to this window as if they KNOW you have moved in here."

I'd been trying to figure this out.  Trying to make sense of what (if at all) this could possibly mean.  Then, this morning I decided to sit at my window and watch the birds as they went about their business.  I couldn't help but to notice how care free they are.  I wondered what freedom they have and how awesome it must feel to just fly about.  They don't have a worry in the world, yet we humans stress over the tiniest of things daily.  These birds go about KNOWING that God will provide their every need.  They do their job in joy and in peace.  You never see a bird on a branch shivering in fear.  They exist in COMPLETE peace and harmony with God and the Universe.

I want that for my life.  I want that for your life.  And on many levels I believe God sent those birds to my window to teach me that very lesson.  He wants me to do my job as mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend and servant to others.  But he wants me to do it in COMPLETE FAITH and TRUST in Him.  I can't help but smile at the realization that My Father used birds (of all things) to teach me such a profound lesson.  I love how He thinks!  And I never want to displease him, so I will gladly take lessons and follow the lead of my new little friends who literally visit me every single day.  God is So Amazing!

He Loves You!

Hello Beautiful Beings!

    I have been on a serious journey as of late.  I've always dreamed of sharing my journey as a handicapped being with the world.  More recently I have yearned to share who God is and what he's doing in my life.  As I was praying for these opportunities to arise my heart heard "why not use your blog as your platform?"
I laughed, because God is so smart and I enjoy when he lovingly shows me what was always right before me.

   Do you know just how much you are loved?  I use to think God loved me a little.  I thought he only loved or wanted me when I did good things.  I now know that He loves me through my good and bad moments.  He is LOVE.  He loves you more than you could ever imagine!

   God wants and desires to be a HUGE part of your life.  He wants you to welcome Him in and give him complete access to your life.  Is it always easy? No.  But, is it worth it? Absolutely!  He can free you from anything if you'll just trust and believe in him.  Nothing you could ever say or do will keep Him from loving you. 

   Right now, at this very moment call out to Him.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy said.  Just be honest and open.  Invite him into your life and if you are scared to do so tell him that.  He will not run away from you or judge you.  He wants you to be His!
Trust Him and watch your life transform right before your eyes.

In Jesus' Name..Amen!


Sometimes I have to remind myself to behave correctly.
I want so badly to be more like Jesus and although I'm not there yet, I'm no longer my former self.

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