
My daughter has become a huge fan of Salsa Verde, so I decided to marinate chicken with it and it was Yum-O! I roasted potatoes and sauteed onion to accompany the chicken.  Hubby and Princess Charlie flipped for the meal, so I thought I'd share it here.  Excuse the paper plate, but I truly dislike washing dishes. LOL

Today I am:

loved--blessed--grateful--healthy (even if my sinuses disagree)
joyful--at peace in my heart--loving the Lord--a proud mother
relaxed and content--committed--enjoying my ME time


Today I am Grateful:

--for all I learn
--we were able to get groceries
--for yummy dark chocolate
--for great meal ideas
--Princess Charlie was chosen for clinical rotation next school year!!!
--she is committed to her education and future plans
--she makes me laugh
--she and her dad made it home safely

My Declaration

I do not have to seek peace, love joy nor kindness.  
I don't have to wait to be saved, healed, anointed, forgiven or accepted.
When Jesus died upon the cross I received everything God wanted me to have.

Thank You Lord!!!


Father, I am so grateful!

--that by Your stripes we are healed
--that every being is guarded by heavenly angels 24/7
--for a beautiful weekend with my family
--for every thing i am learning
--for my new books by Kenneth Copeland

Morning Thoughts:

...I truly love how I feel when I wake up each morning
...I'm grateful to know I can overcome anything w/the Grace of god
...I fully enjoy teaching Jo and Monica all I'm learning
...There is no greater feeling than to feel completely loved
...I'm grateful I know what that feels like
...Bible reading time!

February 26, 2012

Today I am grateful:

*For every word Joel Osteen spoke today in church
*for the fabulous brunch my minnie me made today
*for the sweet kisses I got from my puppy boy Pooh
*the vet said Pooh has been healed!
*prayers truly do work!
* for the peace I feel within my entire body

God Bless You All!

February 17, 2012

You are not a human on a spiritual journey
You are a spirit on a human journey.

Today I am grateful:

-Love resides deep within me
-I am able to bless those in need
-to finally hear God in my surroundings
-to know that I am blessed and all I touch is blessed (a promise from God)
-the Bible has over 6,000 promises to you and I 
-my hubby is a living testament to what God is capable of doing
-that mercy, grace and blessings cover us from our head to our toes

February 16, 2012

Faith is the practical expression of our confidence 
in God and His Word. 
--Creflo Dollar 

Today I am grateful: 

*for all I am learning via school
*we woke up healthy and happy
*by His stripes WE are healed
*Jesus' blood was shed so that I could be a child of God
*the curse was put away by Jesus
*I can walk through each day in COMPLETE CONFIDENCE

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day has always been a favorite time for me.  However, this year it seems to have a greater significance.  So much has deepened in my life this past year.  The love within my home has reached a brand new level.  The love I have for The Father has skyrocketed.  Not just for the things he does for me, but definitely for all He's teaching me.  I'm learning that love goes way deeper than just saying "I Love You".
Looking into someone's spirit and seeing them for who they truly are and accepting every flaw, and every mistake makes for a great recipe of love.  I am learning to look deep within and seek the Jesus in every being.  Doing this blinds me to judgment.  It opens lines of communication and a deeper ease to love than ever before.  Today when you say those three words to your loved ones and friends look deeper within them and I'm betting you'll notice that sentiment taking on a brand new meaning for you and for them!

Search for the Jesus in them and watch your love blossom!!


February 13, 2012

Father, today I am grateful:

*we woke up healthy and joyful
*my puppy son is being healed by the Father (he has a herniated disc)
*my bible study students are going forth and are teaching others what they are learning
*that we had somewhat of a winter this weekend
*for the loving music that will fill our home today
*our refrigerator, cabinets and freezers are filled with food
*Jesus is the CENTER of it all
*our new doctor was also a loving child of God
*for the amazing dinners we've been having (gotta love Youtube!)

Have a Blessed and Prosperous Day!!

February 09, 2012

Hello Dear Friends!

    I have not posted a blog since November 2012.  I am now in bible college and that added to being a mom, wife and running my luv-mail mission has taken up a great chunk of my time.  But I can not give up my blog, so I've decided to make it my gratitude journal plus I'll be posting lessons I'm learning from school, my continuous walk with God and some fabulous meal ideas!  It has been tremendous growth happening and I'm deeply grateful for it all!  As I've mentioned several times in the past this blog is not about how many comments I receive.  It's a tool to help me grow and for anyone else who desires to share their presence with me.  I pray you all had a beautiful holiday with your loved ones and I truly believe it will be a prosperous year ahead for us all.  God Bless!

Today I am Grateful:

-to be alive
-that by His stripes I am healed
-I can hear the beautiful & soothing music that fills my room today
-seeking God has many great advantages
-for every promise he's made
-my marriage is stronger than ever before
-my daughter has found true joy and love within Jesus

Blessed Be (:

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