Sunday's Life Lesson

Princess Charlie & Mommy

Princess Charlie and I have been doing our bonding thing. We've been watching Christmas movies via ABCFamily Channel, listening to Christmas music while wrapping presents and having lengthy conversations about Gratitude and God. For the past year she's been keeping a gratitude journal. The other day she allowed me to read a few entries. She's grateful for life, health and the ability to see, hear & walk. She's grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and understands the truest depth of what He did for her. Instead of focusing on her gifts she is grateful for the gifts we were able to give to those in need. I am watching God guide her life and the view is simply awe inspiring! Gratitude is BIG in this home. Now that I fully get "it" I want everyone to get "it". Without ever pushing, my princess has incorporated it into her young life.

I'd like to leave you with this quote...

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
~Melodie Beattie


  1. A truly beautiful quote of gratitude Tabitha. And to see our children finding the gratitude in life -- what it means to be grateful and what to be grateful for? That is a gratitude of the highest power. Bless you and your daughter for your bonding time and the ability to see what you have both taught and learned, one from the other.

  2. Wonderful quote and your daughter looks just like you - beautiful!

  3. Your daughter is so pretty. What a lovely picture of the two of you. I love how you bring gratitude into every aspect of your life. We all can learn so much from you. Thanks!

  4. Great quote Tabitha! Have always loved that one! And I really love that your sweet princess keeps a gratitude journal! I think it makes our lives so much better and more full when we are thankful for every thing! :) God is good. He is the best blessing of all!

  5. Good morning Tabitha!! Happy Sunday to you hon! I adore Melodie Beattie..she has brought so many imnportant changes in my life over the years..wonderful quote. Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  6. What a wonderful message from your daughter...what she has shared with you. There really is so much to be grateful for...

  7. an inspiring quote. I have great memories of watching romantic and holiday movies with my mom during school vacations, while we did things around the house.

  8. You've got one great girl there.... and that is one awesome quote. Thanks for sharing!

  9. An award is awaiting you at my blog! I don't know if you do the award thing but I had to give you one!!

  10. great minds think alike, cuz we had the same quote!

  11. Great quote Tabitha!
    A very nice photo bringing out love and closeness.

  12. That Princess Charlie is one AMAZING girl!


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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