Dear Friends & Family, I am heading up a Love Revolution and it WILL be televised (so to speak). This world we live in is in a State of Chaos and the media LOVES to showcase that. In reality there are beautiful things taking place DAILY! We just hardly ever get to see them being publicized! I'm going to seek out people who are MAKING A DIFFERENCE and HIGHLIGHT them throughout the net. Facebook, Twitter & my blog (!! I want to BUILD an army of God's LOVE WARRIORS!!!! If MORE people get to Hear & See the good that's going on it may INSPIRE them to join in! There are MILLIONS of hurting and forgotten souls on this planet. But, there are also MILLIONS of UN-sung heroes who are aching to help them. It is time to Bring God's Family Together!!
If you know of a Person or Group who's doing The Will of God (Serving Others) please contact me so that we may highlight them and show the WORLD that there IS STILL Good in it!! I need you ALL to be my Eyes & Ears in this venture. It is time to put NEGATIVITY out of Business People!! It is time for LOVE to take its rightful place in the spotlight!
Lets show EVERYONE that God is Love and Love Never Fails or Loses!!!
To Nominate a Love Warrior please email us at or via:
Tabitha & Jodie