A Luving Addition

There are way too many battered Souls on this earth and they became that way by other humans beating them up mentally, physically and even spiritually. We as a family are coming together to "Speak Life...Give Grace" (as Kerri Smith put it) to Teen girls and Women in the USA who are dealing with sickness (ANY), bullying, mental sickness and abuse (of ANY Kind).

We will send Luvmail to those teens or women in need. Each being will receive a Luv-Card with (1) of the following items:
*Prayer Beads
*Travel size bath gel
*Travel size lotion
*Travel size body spray
*Inspirational Bracelet
*Nail clip set
*Nail polish
& a few other items to be listed in the future.

To request mail please email us 504uplifting@gmail Or visit us on FB God's Luvmail Mission

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