Living My Healthiest Life - Day 9-12

Hello Beautiful Beings (=

I have been so busy with our family mission, exercising, counting calories, being mom and wife I forget to check in here.  I will try to be more aware of this in the near future.  I am truly enjoying my new way of living.  I am being enlightened at every turn.  As my mind, body and soul transform I am growing to be the child God dreams me to be.

The Goings On:

1. I am literally feeling lighter these days.  It's more of a mental thing I think, but I'll take that any day.  I have lost 5 pounds so far!

2. I am breathing better with each new day.  I have only had 1 asthma incident and it was so minute compared to two months ago.  I'm sure the exercising is giving my lungs great support. YaY!

3. I am learning to count my calories without driving myself batty.  My nutritionist suggested I not exceed 1200 calories per day, but since I am no big eater she suggested the minimum be 1000.  My major downfall for gaining was sodas and going over calories due to not being educated on them.

4. My face is shrinking!!

5. My boobs are shrinking!!  Some would see that as a bad thing, but uhhh not I!!  LOL

6. I'm drinking LOTS of water and eating the suggested 4 servings of fruit per day.  Eating the fruit truly helps with my not overeating.


  1. congratulations on all your sucesses, hugs

  2. Yea!! I love feeling weight loss progress!! CONGRATS!! Have an amazing beautiful weekend!

  3. This is great news, Tabitha, and I am glad you are feeling healthier!

    I've not been blogging much. Working on a big project. So just stopping by to say hi. You took my Meditation Challenge in January at my blog and I've just launched something similar, on online course, Buddha Chick™. Thought you might want to know. It's pretty Chickie. :-) With love, Jan


You bless me with your presence! Tabitha♥

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